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"Three towns are Juno's on the Grecian plains, More dear than all th' extended earth contains Mycenae, Argos, and the Spartan Wall These mayst thou raze, nor I forbid their fall; 'Tis not in me the vengeance to remove; The crime's sufficient that they share my love."

"I should think they'd feel like a lot of school boys to be ordered about so," was Juno's rather petulant comment. "Better feel 'like a lot of schoolboys' here, than like a lot of simpletons when they 'hit the tree," was Mrs. Harold's merry reply. "You've a whole lot to learn about regulations, my bonny lassie." It was all said so kindly and so merrily that Juno could not resent it.

"You would rather leave her wholly to Mark Ray and his mother, I suppose," Bell said, adding, as she saw the flush on Juno's face. "You know you are dying of jealousy, and nothing annoys you so much as to hear people talk of Mark's attentions to Miss Lennox." "Do they talk?" Mrs.

The farm boy always has the whole of nature at his elbow and he is usually aware of it. When, armed with my long-handled "knocker," I used to be sent forth in the April meadows to beat up and scatter the fall droppings of the cows the Juno's cushions as Irving named them I was in much more congenial employment.

Meanwhile Oenone enters, lamenting her desertion by Paris. There is delicate pathos in the reminiscence of her former song which haunts the outpouring of her grief As she ends she is accosted by Mercury, who has been sent to summon Paris to appear at Juno's suit before the assembly of the gods on a charge of partiality in judgement.

What the firmness of just men in times of tyranny, or of tumult, has to do with Juno's oration about Troy it is hardly possible to conceive.

For the rest of Juno's existence, the moment she caught sight of a boy she fled as fast as her four bow-legs would carry her, not daring even to let her tail stick out behind her, lest it should afford a handle against her. When Annie heard that Alec had been bitten she was miserable. She knew his bite must be worse than hers, or he would not be kept at home.

Here was an adventure from the gods a stubborn will to bend, the pride of a haughty young beauty to trail in the dust, her untamed heart to break if need be. The lust of the battle was on him already. She was a woman to dream about, "Sweeter than the lids of Juno's eyes, Or Cytherea's breath," he told himself exultantly as he slid from his horse and stood bowing before her.

All the torments, every toil of earth Juno's hatred on him could impose, Well he bore them, from his fated birth To life's grandly mournful close. "Till the god, the earthly part forsaken, From the man in flames asunder taken, Drank the heavenly ether's purer breath. Joyous in the new unwonted lightness, Soared he upwards to celestial brightness, Earth's dark heavy burden lost in death.

She read Bell's first, and then, with a throbbing heart, which as yet would not believe, she took up Mark's, and understanding now much that was before mysterious to her. Juno's call, too, came to her mind, and though she was unwilling to charge so foul a wrong upon that young lady, she could find no other solution to the mystery.