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Our slumbers have for some time been patriotically disturbed by the danger of Holland; and the taking of the Maestricht nearly caused me a jaundice: but the French have taught us philosophy and their conquests appear to afford them so little pleasure, that we ourselves hear of them with less pain.

Contains a poisonous active principle, picrotoxin; used to adulterate beer, and by poachers to stupefy fish. Symptoms. Convulsions, followed by stupor and complete loss of voluntary power. Symptoms. Gastric symptoms and marked jaundice. This may be followed in days or weeks by stupor, coma, death. Post-Mortem. Fatty degeneration of internal organs, chiefly liver. Symptoms.

If this treatment is steadily pursued, and a slight soreness induced in the mouth, the treatment will usually be successful. Mr. Blaine observes, "A moderate soreness of the mouth is to be encouraged and kept up. I have never succeeded in removing the complaint without it." M. W. Leblanc, of Paris, has given an interesting account of the causes and treatment of 'jaundice' in the dog.

Horse-radish, crane's-bill, strawberry, and herb-gerard are old remedies for gout, and in Westphalia apple-juice mixed with saffron is administered for jaundice; while an old remedy for boils is dock-tea. For ague, cinquefoil and yarrow were recommended, and tansy leaves are worn in the shoe by the Sussex peasantry; and in some places common groundsel has been much used as a charm.

The wiseacre was not absent, of course, and agitators had been at work for some time endeavouring to jaundice the minds of the people half-breeds, it was said, from Edmonton, who had been vitiated by contact with a low class of white men there and, therefore, nothing was as yet positively known as to the temper and views of the Indians.

I have seen Harte, who inquired much after you: he is dejected and dispirited, and thinks himself much worse than he is, though he has really a tendency to the jaundice. I have yet seen nobody else, nor do I know who here is to be seen; for I have not yet exhibited myself to public view, except at the pump, which, at the time I go to it, is the most private place in Bath.

He was prudent, but conjugal affection bore him beyond the reach of prudence. Gigonne thought of nothing but cutting a figure in the world, being received at Court, and becoming the King's mistress. Unable to gain her point, she pined away with vexation, contracting a jaundice, of which she died. Bluebeard, full of lamentation, built her a magnificent tomb.

Examples: To plaster medicated oils or ointments all over the skin of a dog suffering from constitutional eczema is about as sensible as would be the painting white of the yellow skin in jaundice in order to cure the disordered liver. But even those contagious diseases that are caused by skin germs or animalcules will not be wholly cured by any applications whatever.

This is strongly demonstrated to me personally in the person of a friend of my school days who has become in later years an acquaintance only; a falling away, due entirely to the abnormal development of his artistic temperament, which will not allow him to see any good in anything or anybody that does not come up to his ideal, the artistic temperament in his case taking the form of a kind of mental yellow jaundice!

One main source of excitement for us was "cheeking" people in vans and carts upon the Goudhurst road; and getting myself into a monstrous white mess in the chalk pits beyond the village, and catching yellow jaundice as a sequel to bathing stark naked with three other Adamites, old Ewart leading that function, in the rivulet across Hickson's meadows, are among my memorabilia.