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Once, after they had read together some beautiful love-poems, Trirodov remarked: "Love says 'No' to the world, the lyrical 'No' marriage says 'Yes' to it, the ironic 'Yes. To be in love, to strive, yet not to possess that is the poetry of love, sweet but illusive. Externally love contradicts the world and conceals its fatal discord.

There were a number of venomous, ironic phrases, then the dispute ceased and silence was restored. Petra, thus kept awake, sank into her own thoughts; again footfalls were heard in the corridor, this time light and rapid. Then came the rasping of the shutter-bolt of a balcony that was being opened cautiously. "One of them has got up," thought Petra. "What can the fuss be now?"

Women were drawn to him as much by his winning appealing quality, by the sense of a youthful warmth behind his light ironic exterior, as by his charms of face and mind.

Prescott, not knowing how to regard his ironic calmness, said nothing, and Jernyngham continued: "It's a bitter pill. I was very fond of her once, and there's not much consolation in reflecting that she'll probably scare the fellow out of his wits the first time she breaks out in one of her rages." Then his voice grew regretful. "Ellice's far from perfect, but she's much too good for him."

It pretty nearly made an end of James Fenimore Cooper, we believe. His fellow-countrymen fell on him, tooth and nail. We didn't take so kindly to criticism in those days as we do now, when it merely tickles the fat on our ribs, and we respond with the ironic laughter you profess to like so much. What is the drift of the book besides the general censure?"

This ironic fury, coming of the contrast of the outer and the inner, would have been indulged to the extent of permanent injury to her disposition had not her beloved Emma, immediately after the tension of the struggle ceased, required her tenderest aid. Lady Dunstane chanted victory, and at night collapsed.

However, it is surprising what these homesteaders are doing, and it is ironic that a little poetic dreamer should have foreseen the trend which things are taking. And I feel you deserve this acknowledgment. How in the name of God have you and your sister stuck it out?"

"There was a letter from Prince Andrew today," he said to Princess Mary "Haven't you read it?" "No, Father," she replied in a frightened voice. She could not have read the letter as she did not even know it had arrived. "He writes about this war," said the prince, with the ironic smile that had become habitual to him in speaking of the present war. "That must be very interesting," said Dessalles.

The Illanuns were far from their country, where no white man dared to come, and therefore they were free to seek their enemies upon the open waters. They had found these two who had come to see. He asked what they had come to see? Was there nothing to look at in their own country? He talked in an ironic and subdued tone.

Subconsciously he had seen the slight movement of her foot and leg as Essie Tisdale passed, but had not grasped its significance until the girl fell. "I don't think there's any glass in it, but wash it out well and bring me a bandage. You got a hard fall; you must have slipped." "Yes, I must have slipped." Her smile this time was ironic. The night fulfilled the promise of the evening.