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Accordingly we were not very much astonished, when, after a few repetitions of the experiment, the Martian one of whose arms had been partially released from its bonds in order to give him a little freedom of motion imitated the action of his interrogators by pressing his finger over his heart.

Accordingly we were not very much astonished, when, after a few repetitions of the experiment, the Martian one of whose arms had been partially released from its bonds in order to give him a little freedom of motion imitated the action of his interrogators by pressing his finger over his heart. The Martian Speaks.

Frequently through the day parties followed each other to the Imperial reservoir; but the keeper was always in his place, cool, wary, and prepared for them. He kept open door and offered no hindrance to inspection of his house. To interrogators he gave ready replies: "I was at home last night from sunset to sunrise.

They demanded of the prisoner whether he knew me; to which he boldly replied that he had never seen me. They endeavoured, by every possible means, to extort a confession from him, but without success. His repeated denials, joined to the name of M. Schramm, created doubts in the minds of his interrogators; they hesitated lest they should condemn an innocent man.

Groggy after nearly two hours of this, the boys felt sure that the time had come for them to be allowed to get some sleep, but after the last question from the interrogators, they were ushered into the presence of Commander Walters, Major Connel, Professor Sykes, Captain Strong, and several recording secretaries.

We passed unobserved till we arrived at the Carlist lines above Bilbao; there we were stopped. My presence of mind, however, did not desert me. I was disguised as a carman, as a Catalan, and the coolness of my answers deceived my interrogators. We were permitted to pass, and soon were safe within the walls of Bilbao.

And further there is a difference of interrogators; the first question being asked by Ushasta, the second by Kahola. There is no difference of vidya because both questions and answers have one subject-matter, and because the one word that possesses enjoining power proves the connexion of the two sections. Both answers again refer to the one Brahman, viewed as the Self of all.

"I know nothing of them." "What!" interrupted Dudley: "hath he not confessed unto thee that he married a wife on his travels, from whom he was divorced, and that she is long since dead?" "Ye do strive to put words into my mouth, and to entangle me in my talk," said the lady. "Call you this justice?" "We are the interrogators, madam," said Dudley.

She kept her eyes on her interrogators all the time, never once glancing towards the prisoner, though all the time she had a sensation as if his reproachful looks were piercing her through. She was dismissed, and Constance Hacket was brought in, looking about in every direction, carrying a handkerchief and scent bottle, and not attempting to conceal her flutter of agitation. Mr.

"And Sir John Comyn, recognizes he our sovereign's claim? Is he amongst the Bruce's slender train?" A dark cloud gathered on the noble brow of the knight, replacing the chivalric courtesy with which he had hitherto responded to his interrogators. He paused ere he answered, in a stern, deep voice "Sir John Comyn lived and died a traitor, lady.