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"Among a few other friends from a distance, Sir Walter received this summer a short visit from Mr. Hallam, and made in his company several of the little excursions which had in former days been of constant recurrence. Mr.

This last remark was a stroke of policy on Gypsy's part, for Tom had come in, and it touched a bit of boy's pride, of which Gypsy was perfectly aware he had a good deal. "As if I couldn't take as good care of you as Guy Hallam, or the next man!" he said, in an insulted tone. "Then Tom is willing you should go," observed Mrs. Breynton.

"If this is anything it's a question of midshipman honor. We fellows are bound to see that all the unworthy ones are dropped from the service. Now, a fellow who has fastened the opium habit on himself isn't fit to go on, is he?" "Oh, say, but this is a hard one to settle!" groaned Hallam. "Then I'll take all the responsibility upon myself," said Dave promptly.

"But if he shouldn't?" "Why " Her eyes clouded; she pursed her lips over the conjectural annoyance. "Why, in that event, I suppose It would be very embarrassing. You see, I don't know Mrs. Hallam; I don't know that she expects me, unless my father is already there. They are old friends I could drive round for a while and come back, I suppose."

Now he was sure that she had been searching for the gladstone bag. That, evidently, was the bone of contention. Calendar had sent his daughter for it, Mrs. Hallam her son; Dorothy had been successful ... But, on the other hand, Calendar and Mrs. Hallam were unquestionably allies. Why, then ? "Where is it, Mr. Kirkwood?" "Madam, have you the right to know?"

But we must get to business. It is two o'clock in the morning. We've found out old Napper's game. Now, what are we going to do about it?" During this little side conversation, Hallam had been pacing the floor, thinking. He now began issuing his orders, like shots from a rapid-fire gun. "Go to the instrument there, Duncan, and telegraph Temple to come to Cairo by the first train.

"That is what I was thinking, Guilford, but I hardly dared suggest it I know so little. I didn't know that it would be possible to change our line. I thought that maybe its charter compelled it to run to Cairo." "No, unfortunately, it doesn't. Tandy secured the charter in the first place, before Hallam and Stafford went into the project.

I will try to learn all about the estate, and I promise you most faithfully to hold it in a good stewardship for those who shall come after me." "Give me a kiss, my lass, on that promise. I don't say as a lass can iver be to Hallam what Antony should hev been; but thou'rt bound to do thy best." "And, father, Antony is very clever. Who can tell what he may do?

"Don't be a fool," said Bingley, angrily; "when did ta iver know any body about at this time o' night, save and it might be at Hallam or Crossley feasts?" "But where was ta a' day, Bingley? Is ta sure nobody saw thee? And when did ta come into my cellar?" "I'll tell thee, if ta is bad off to know. I got into Hallam at three o'clock this morning, and I hid mysen in Clough's shut-up mill a' day.

We see it in the impartial historians of the Victorian Age, who now seem far more Victorian than the partial historians. Hallam wrote about the Middle Ages; but Hallam was far less mediaeval than Macaulay; for Macaulay was at least a fighter. Huxley had more mediaeval sympathies than Herbert Spencer for the same reason; that Huxley was a fighter.