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John J. McKenty as dictator of the city, if only the Republican party should come into power. Personally, Hand had far less sympathy with the polite moralistic efforts of men like Haguenin, Hyssop, and others, who were content to preach morality and strive to win by the efforts of the unco good, than he had with the cold political logic of a man like Cowperwood himself.

Cowperwood, who had listened very patiently and very fixedly, without a tremor of an eyelash, merely said: "There seems to be no common intellectual ground, Mr. Haguenin, upon which you and I can meet in this matter. You cannot understand my point of view. I could not possibly adopt yours. However, as you wish it, the stock will be returned to you upon receipt of my indorsements.

Haguenin, Cowperwood's naturally selective and self-protective judgment led him next to the office of the Inquirer, old General MacDonald's paper, where he found that because of rhuematism and the severe, inclement weather of Chicago, the old General had sailed only a few days before for Italy.

The other publishers, guardians of the city's privileges, were not quite so genial as Haguenin in their approval of Cowperwood's proposition. The use of a tunnel and several of the most important down-town streets might readily be essential to the development of Cowperwood's North Side schemes, but the gift of them was a different matter.

Haguenin did nothing about it at first, thinking to send Cecily off to an aunt in Nebraska; but, finding her intractable, and fearing some counter-advice or reprisal on the part of Cowperwood, who, by the way, had indorsed paper to the extent of one hundred thousand dollars for him, he decided to discuss matters first.

"The father" of the so-called "one" was probably Haguenin or Cochrane, more than likely Haguenin. "The husband of the other" but who was the husband of the other? She had not heard of any scandal with the wife of anybody. It could not be the case of Rita Sohlberg and her husband that was too far back. It must be some new affair of which she had not the least inkling, and so she sat and reflected.

I've seen you in the Waldorf and in the Park hanging on her every word, looking at her with adoring eyes. What a fool you are, to be so big a man! Every little snip, if she has pink cheeks and a doll's face, can wind you right around her finger. Rita Sohlberg did it; Stephanie Platow did it; Florence Cochrane did it; Cecily Haguenin and Heaven knows how many more that I never heard of.

It meant a cessation of relations and some inconvenient financial readjustments; but it had to be. He was just on the point of calling on Cowperwood when the latter, unaware as yet of the latest development in regard to Cecily, and having some variation of his council programme to discuss with Haguenin, asked him over the 'phone to lunch. Haguenin was much surprised, but in a way relieved.

I know why you lie; you want to hush me up and keep quiet. You're afraid I'll go to Mr. Haguenin or Mr. Cochrane or Mr. Platow, or to all three. Well, you can rest your soul on that score. I won't. I'm sick of you and your lies. Stephanie Platow the thin stick! Cecily Haguenin the little piece of gum! And Florence Cochrane she looks like a dead fish!" I'd leave you that's what I'd do.

Also he observed that if this loop did come here its cars, on their return trip along Dearborn Street, would pass by his very door the office of the Press thereby enhancing the value of that property of which he was the owner. "I certainly do, Mr. Haguenin," returned Cowperwood, emphatically, in answer to his query.