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She was not tearful, but had dark rings round her eyes, and looked haggard and worn. 'The man? I never heard of him till this terrible loss of poor little Mikey. 'Then did he put in a claim? 'Oh no, but Hailes knew about him, and so, indeed, did my father.

Moreover, Joe bore a singular aspect, the exact nature of which did not at once dawn upon Shefford. "By God! you've got nerve or you're crazy!" he ejaculated, hoarsely. Then it was Shefford's turn to stare. The Mormon was haggard, grieved, frightened, and utterly amazed. He appeared to be trying to make certain of Shefford's being there in the flesh and then to find reason for it.

They were beginning to be frosted with gray. His dress was loose; he wore no belt. The haggard expression, natural to his thin face, had become more marked. Sim had not seen the girls, and in the prevailing wind his quick ear had not caught the sound of their footsteps until they were nearly abreast of him.

His nervous imagination was a torch that alternately lighted her lying asleep with the innocent, like a babe, and tossing beneath the overflow of her dark hair, hounded by haggard memories. She fluttered before him in either aspect; and another perplexity now was to distinguish within himself which was the aspect he preferred.

He had used her maiden name in speaking of her. Poor woman! She was undoubtedly still young but sorrow, regret, and privations, days spent in hard work to earn a miserable subsistence, and nights spent in weeping, had made her old, haggard, and wrinkled before her time.

It was white and hard and haggard, and the lips were drawn into a thin line, and the delicate colour she had put upon her cheeks stood out in ghastly contrast. Her dress, like the foam of a summer sea, mocked the winter in her face. "There is nothing to forgive," she said, smiling icily. "I came for a variety entertainment and I have not been disappointed. Good-bye. Perhaps Mr.

It was set and stern, even a little haggard; but, too, there was something else there, something that appealed instantly to Jimmie Dale a sort of bulldog grit that dominated it. "If he holds our speed, we'll know!" the chauffeur was shouting now to make himself heard over the roar of the car. "Look again! Where is it now?" Once more Jimmie Dale looked through the little rear window.

A man, haggard with want, came out of his little wine-shop and offered me a glass of aniseed, apologising courteously for its poor quality, and explaining that it was the only drink he had been able to obtain for sale during the War! A glance at the rows of empty bottles in his shop-window confirmed the statement. God knows how he had earned his living during the past three years.

Even Clarence was moved in that dark and haggard abstraction that had settled upon him since his strange outbreak over the body of his old friend. The extent of that change had not been noticed by Mrs. Peyton, who had only observed that Clarence had treated her grief with a grave and silent respect. She was grateful for that.

They did not look at each other again, but remained in a lamentable silence while the boat pushed swiftly before the freshening breeze; and when they reached the place where the dory lay, he dropped the sail and threw out the anchor without a word. He was haggard to the glance she stole at him, when they had taken their places in the dory, and he confronted her, pulling hard at the oars.