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A chink of light has been let in upon a dark cave, and slowly the chink will widen. But the gross effects are clear. Around the ovary and the uterus, the endocrines gyrate as the planets around the sun. The ovary is the organ for the preservation and maturation of the germ plasm, that treasure which the body is built but to cherish and hand on as a sacred heirloom.

What is the first thing that strikes the mind? It is certainly the appearance of violent whirling motion. One would say that the whole glowing mass had been spun about with tremendous velocity, or that it had been set rotating so rapidly that it had become the victim of ``centrifugal force, one huge fragment having broken loose and started to gyrate off into space.

How far the steamer in southern latitudes may still share this privilege, I do not know; but certainly I now rarely see the petrel, unfairly called stormy, numbers of which hung ever near in the wake of a sailing-ship on her way to Europe, keeping company easily with a speed of seven or eight knots, and with spare power enough to gyrate continually in their wayward flight.

They had crept under chairs, waved flags from tables, thrown up colored balls, and unraveled puzzles all to the rhythm of the waltz-measure babbling on like a summer brooklet under the sun, through emerald meadows. As long as the lady seated on the chair in the centre pleases, the gentlemen are to gyrate round her.

At times the fire and smoke, on either side, torn by the wind, seemed to dance and gyrate in a Bacchanalian revel, taking monstrous forms, that exploded in showers of sparks, glittering like the fabled California sands. Above the burning district the smoke clouds changed form constantly. Sometimes they reeled along like colossal water-spouts.

Atmananda held desert trips once or twice a month and, by mid-1983, followers *saw* him walking above the ground on a "cushion of light," flying to distant mountains, sending columns of light into the sky, and causing constellations to gyrate and disappear. On one starlit night, Atmananda raised his hands above his head. As he slowly lowered them, he made a low, whistling sound like the wind.

"Well, 'ole me while I take it off," said Sam, sensibly. Against his better sense the cook steadied the stout seaman while he proceeded to peel, Dick waited until the garment a very tight one was over his head, and then, pushing the cook aside, took his victim and made him slowly gyrate on the pavement. "Turn round three times and catch who you can, Sam," he said cruelly. "Well, sit down, then."

The weather was then so warm that I must keep the windows open; the night without was populous with moths. As the late darkness deepened, my literary tapers beaconed forth more brightly; thicker and thicker came the dusty night-fliers, to gyrate for one brilliant instant round the flame and fall in agonies upon my paper.

It did not strike her that 'Dolph who in an ordinary way should have been bounding ahead and anon bounding back to gyrate on his hind legs and encourage her preferred to trot ahead some thirty or forty yards and wait for her to overtake him; nor that, when she came up, he avoided her eyes, pretending that here a doorstep, there a grating or water-main absorbed his curiosity.

In the monads, the versatility, rapidity, and power of movement are always correlated with the number of these. The one before us could sweep across the field with majestic slowness, or dart with lightning swiftness and a swallow's grace. It could gyrate in a spiral, or spin on its axis in a rectilinear path like a rifled bullet.