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I live in the hope of seeing her irrisistable Brother to night, as we are going to Lady Flambeaus, who is I know intimate with the Marlowes. Our party will be Lady Lesley, Matilda, Fitzgerald, Sir James Gower, and myself. We see little of Sir George, who is almost always at the gaming-table. Ah! my poor Fortune where art thou by this time?

Serge now left Micheline about ten o'clock in the evening regularly and arrived at the club about eleven. High play did not commence until after midnight. Then he seated himself at the gaming-table with all the ardor of a professional gambler. His face changed its expression.

In one place, a little antique bust was half hid in the folds of some pennon, still dyed with battle-stains; in another, scattered treasures of Dresden and Sèvres brought the drawing-room into the campaign; and all around bivouacked rifles, whose polished barrels glittered full of death, pistols, variously mounted, for an insurgent at the barricades, or for a lost millionnaire at the gaming-table, foils, with buttoned bluntness, and rapiers, whose even edges were viewless, as if filed into air.

Another great recommendation about him was, that he had not had time to be much plucked. Many of the young men of fortune that appear upon town have lost half their feathers on the race-course or the gaming-table before the ladies get a chance at them; but here was a nice, fresh-coloured youth, with all his downy verdure full upon him.

And as from respectable circles young men and old are falling in line of procession, all the drums of woe begin to beat the dead march of ten thousand souls. Seven millions of dollars are annually lost in New York city at the gaming-table. Some of your own friends may be at it. The agents of these gaming-houses around our hotels are well dressed.

This is why we find, in Congress, such a large preponderance of tenth-rate men." "A man such as you represent Judge Lyman to be would sell his country, like another Arnold." "Yes; if the bid were high enough." "Does he gamble?" "Gambling, I might say, is a part of his profession. Very few nights pass, I am told, without finding him at the gaming-table." I heard no more.

I had, however, by having half worked and half starved myself to death during the time I was in his service, saved a few guineas, with which I bought a lottery-ticket, resolving to throw myself into Fortune's lap, and try if she would make me amends for the injuries she had done me at the gaming-table.

But there she sat, seemingly untired, in all the splendour of her flashing gems, as we left her a very goddess of the gaming-table. We had reached the door and were stepping into the darkness of the outer passage, when Tom whispered "Be on your guard; that note meant mischief." I nodded, swung open the door, and stepped out into the darkness.

His arm seemed made of steel; he valued his life no more than one of the plumes in his helmet, and risked it in battle as recklessly as he did his zechins at the gaming-table. Here, as well as there, he remained the winner.

Can you not understand that all your fellow-clerks are jealous of you? that they do not forgive you for earning twelve thousand francs a year? Never have you committed a piece of folly without my being immediately informed of it by an anonymous letter. I could tell the exact number of nights you have spent at the gaming-table, and the amount of money you have squandered.