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As she opened the door, Madame Fontaine passed her in the hall, in walking costume, with a small paper-packet in her hand. "There is a pen, Minna. Sit down by me, and write what I tell you." The ink-bottle had been replenished by the person charged with that duty; and he had filled it a little too full. In a hurry to write the first words dictated, Minna dipped her pen too deeply in the bottle.

Still, from time to time, he whispered to himself the sad senseless words, "No, no, no not dead, Mistress! Not dead yet!" There was a soft knock at the door. The doctor opened it. Madame Fontaine stood before him. She spoke in dull monotonous tones standing in the doorway; refusing, when she was invited by a gesture, to enter the room. "The hearse has stopped at the door," she said.

Madame Fontaine looked attentively at the lines of the hand that was shown to her. It was all done seriously, with no pretence of sorcery; on the contrary, with the simplicity a notary might have shown when asking the intentions of a client about a deed. Presently she shuffled the cards, and asked Gazonal to cut them, and then to make three packs of them himself.

But that very day, as Pierre Fontaine had said, Mrs. Sayther and her barbaric crew of voyageurs towed up the east bank to Klondike City, shot across to the west bank to escape the bluffs, and disappeared amid the maze of islands to the south. "Oui, madame, thees is de place. One, two, t'ree island below Stuart River. Thees is t'ree island."

"I won't tell you!" Madame Fontaine altered her tone. "Will you tell me who emptied the bottle? I have always been kind to you it isn't much to ask. Who emptied it?" His variable temper changed; he lifted his head proudly. Absolutely sure of his mistress's recovery, he now claimed the merit that was his due. "I emptied it!" "How did you empty it?" she asked faintly.

Those which M. Fontaine submits are very reasonable, the estimate being six millions; but this includes dwellings, with the restoration of the chapel and that of the theater, only sufficiently comfortable for present use, not such as they should be one day.

Bertuccio, crouched in the corner of the carriage, began to examine with a feverish anxiety every house they passed. "Tell them to stop at Rue de la Fontaine, No. 28," said the count, fixing his eyes on the steward, to whom he gave this order.

There was a faint tinge of color in his face; there was moisture on his forehead; his hands lay as still on the counterpane, in the blessed repose that possessed him, as the hands of a sleeping child. I looked round at Madame Fontaine. She smiled again; my utter bewilderment seemed to amuse her. "He is left entirely to me, David," she said, looking tenderly at her patient.

When we had received the answer of MM. Percier and Fontaine, we again had a conversation on the subject of the bridge. I told the First Consul that I perfectly concurred in the opinion of MM. Fontame and Percier; how ever, he would have his own way, and thus was authorised the construction of the toy which formed a communication between the Louvre and the Institute.

"I have done nothing for two days, but pass under triumphal arches, and receive addresses of thanks and praise." Correspondence relative to the Affairs of Canada : The Right Hon. C. P. Thomson to Lord John Russell, 16 September, 1840. Poulett Scrope, p. 198. Baldwin Correspondence: La Fontaine to Baldwin, 26 July, 1845, "You know that I do not like the Whigs." Poulett Scrope, p. 181.