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"That bitter speech shot home; it had sped like an arrow to her brain: it had flown to her heart like the breath of pestilence: for Rowland to be rough, uncourteous, unkind, might cause indeed many a pang; but such conduct had long become a habit, and woman's charitable soul excused moroseness in him, whom she loved more than life itself, more than honour.

"Had Jonathan lived, ma'am, and the two come to conflict about the kingdom, what then, and where would have flown the friendship?" "It would have flown on high, I suppose, and waited for them until they had grown wings to mount to it." "Oh," said the laird, "you're one I can follow only a little way!" Ian and Alexander felt only that the earth about them was bright and warm.

Clupp withdrew his hand and Master Rainham gurgled: "I proclaim myself a faithful subject of the King. Let that dog trot to Oxford." "You matchless basilisk!" screamed Master Paul at him, and "You damnable mandrake!" retorted Master Peter. The pair would have flown at each other if they could have wriggled free.

Go back in imagination to the geologic ages, and try to comprehend the distance over which the earth has flown. Where was our little planet when it emerged out of the clouds of chaos? Where was the sun when his ``thunder march'' began?

Many sayings of his were current, among them a dry answer to a senator from Texas who, having dwelt in high- flown discourse on the superlative characteristics of the State he represented, wound up all by saying, ``All that Texas needs to make it a paradise is water and good society, to which Wade instantly replied, ``That 's all they need in hell. The nimbleness and shrewdness of some public men he failed to appreciate.

Hayden-Bond, and the police with him, will maybe figure it a little differently in the morning when they find the safe looted, and that the Sparrow, instead of ever going near the poor old dame, has flown the coop and can't be found.

The story itself was all so tremendous, so far removed from the work that pre-occupied him that he had little desire to probe deeper into it. But the success of it all stirred him. Oh, yes. It had stirred him deeply, and his mind had immediately flown to that other who had laboured for just this achievement and had staggered under the burden of it all.

"All is quiet and peaceful," said he, as he entered the house. "The bird has flown, this time; he found the opportunity favorable." With a contented smile, he entered his room, but his expression changed suddenly, and his trembling lips muttered a soldier's curse.

And a year, and a second, and a third, he proceeded thus, until his fame had flown over the face of the kingdom. And once upon a time Arthur was holding his Court at Caerlleon upon Usk, at Whitsuntide. And, behold, there came to him ambassadors, wise and prudent, full of knowledge, and eloquent of speech, and they saluted Arthur.

LÍZA. Well, there's nothing to be said; I must say it's a treat! Is this your place? "The crow has flown into the lofty palace!" MÍTYA, GÚSLIN and RAZLYULYÁYEV go out. GORDÉY KÁRPYCH, KÓRSHUNOV, LYUBÓV GORDÉYEVNA, ANNA IVÁNOVNA, MÁSHA, LÍZA and girls. And I've brought you a little present. LYUBÓV GORDÉYEVNA. You needn't have taken the trouble. LYUBÓV GORDÉYEVNA. Oh, they're earrings!