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Aramis was neither an imaginative nor a sensitive man; he had been somewhat of a poet in his youth, but his heart was hard and indifferent, as the heart of every man of fifty-five years of age is, who has been frequently and passionately attached to women in his lifetime, or rather who has been passionately loved by them.

There are some things on which a man does not deliberate," said my former guardian, who thought to enlighten the assembly with a flash of inebriety. "Yes!" said the secretary of an embassy. "Yes!" said the priest. But the two men did not mean the same thing. A "doctrinaire," who had missed his election to the Chamber by one hundred and fifty votes out of one hundred and fifty-five, here rose.

"I am sure that you will take care she does as good service as she performed under Captain Gale." Bonham, who had received his commission a few months before, became first lieutenant, and a young protege of the admiral's received an acting order as second; so that the united ages of the three principal officers of the ship amounted to little more than fifty-five years.

How long have you known her?" "All my life. I never lived until I knew her," he averred. "It was inevitable that you should say that men always say that," the lady generalised. "I heard it for the first time fifty-five years ago." "Then, I expect, there must be some truth in it," was Anthony's deduction. "Anyhow, I have known her long enough. One does n't need time in these affairs.

A beautiful time we had, I can tell you, climbing hills with fifty pounds on our backs. It would not be so bad if we could strap it on rightly. "We left Sheep Camp next morning at four o'clock, and reached the summit at half-past seven. It was an awful climb an angle of about fifty-five degrees. We could keep our hands touching the trail all the way up. It was blowing and snowing up there.

Captain Robert Slivers seemed to be about fifty to fifty-five, to judge by his gray hair and moustache; but any idea of the precise looks of his face was rendered impossible, by an immense green patch which concealed not only the right eye, but all that side of the nose and the temple, while the string running around his forehead took away any expression from that important part of the human countenance, and an oblong strip of black court-plaster extended diagonally from the left eye nearly to the corner of the mouth, creating an impression of very severe tattooing.

"Goethe; or, the Writer," is the last of the Representative Men who are the subjects of this book of Essays. Emerson says he had read the fifty-five volumes of Goethe, but no other German writers, at least in the original. It must have been in fulfilment of some pious vow that he did this. After all that Carlyle had written about Goethe, he could hardly help studying him.

One morning in February, when Bibbs was alone, Sheridan came in, some sheets of typewritten memoranda in his hand. "Bibbs," he said, "I don't like to butt in very often this way, and when I do I usually wish I hadn't but for Heaven's sake what have you been buying that ole busted inter-traction stock for?" Bibbs leaned back from his desk. "For eleven hundred and fifty-five dollars.

I refused fifty-five shillings for her, which was the highest bode I could squeeze for her.

"Then what am I to do?" She looked quite helpless deliciously helpless. He laughed joyously. "You are bankrupt," he said. "So am I. We have only fifty-five dollars between us. But that is something. Also there is the machine. That will take us over the Italian frontier and to Genoa. I ought to be able to sell it there for something. Come on." "Where?" she asked.