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Many cultivated music with success; and the favourite fiddler or piper of a district was often to be found in a gipsy town. They understood all out-of-door sports, especially otter-hunting, fishing, or finding game. They bred the best and boldest terriers, and sometimes had good pointers for sale.

"Not now," said Paul, shaking his head. "My feelings are too deeply injured. But if he has time, Phil will favor us with another song." So the little fiddler once more touched the strings of his violin, and sang the hymn of Garibaldi. "He has a beautiful voice," said Mrs. Hoffman to Paul. "Yes, Phil sings much better than most of his class. Shall I bring him up here again?" "Any time, Paul.

"No, no, Jemmy, a seaman true means one true in heart as well as in knowledge; but, like a blind fiddler, he'll be led by his dog somewhere else." "From vere de dog did come from," observed Jansen. The band now struck up again, and played a waltz a dance new to our country, but older than the Heptarchy.

Christopher was a fiddler and a man of genius. Educated people do not deny the possibility of such a combination; but it was Christopher's misfortune to live amongst a dull and bovine-seeming race, who had little sympathy with art and no knowledge of an artist's longings. They contented themselves, for the most part, with the belief that Christopher was queer. Perhaps he was.

When this result was brought about, old Fezziwig, clapping his hands to stop the dance, cried out, "Well down!" and the fiddler plunged his hot face into a pot of porter, especially provided for that purpose.

Still the fiddler fiddled on composedly as if his life had been insured. We thought he was mad, and shouted to him. He heard us and stopped the music. "You have missed the crossing," shouted one of the men. "I know I have," replied the fiddler. "If you go ten feet farther you will be drowned." "I know I shall." "Turn back," cried the man. "I can't," said the fiddler.

Some of them were ripping up ould sores against one another as they went along; others, particularly the youngsters, with their sweethearts behind them, coorting away for the life of them, and some might be heard miles off, singing and laughing; and you may be sure the fiddler behind my uncle wasn't idle, no more nor another.

Thalberg is said to be death, in its most horried shape, on the piano, and it is probably true; while Vieuxtemps is represented as a fiddler of considerable skill, considering his opportunities, which he no doubt is.

Meantime his cousin van der Dussen had also effected his escape, and had joined him in Rotterdam. The faithful fiddler then, for a thousand florins, chartered a trading vessel commanded by one Jacob Beltje to take a cargo of Dutch cheese to Wesel on the Rhine.

Squire's at laste, most of you do and ould Willy Butledge, the fiddler, that spint his time between Tom's and the big house God,be good to Wilty! it's himself was the droll man entirely: he died of ating boiled banes, for a wager that the Squire laid on him agin ould Captain Mint, and dhrinking porter after them till he was swelled like a tun; but the Squire berried him at his own expense.