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Leaning above this now, with his elbows on the table and his head in his hands, he sank into a profound study, then startled us by giving a snort and springing up, jostling the table so violently that the dynamite slid gracefully toward the edge. Most happily Tommy grabbed it in time. "Lor', sir, 'twas a close shave," Gates whispered, wiping his forehead.

And you know after those Reds have got beaten up and Shawn Grady lynched, you wouldn't like to have any rumor get out that that dynamite was planted by your own people. Ted and me will keep out of sight, and we won't sell the jewels for a while, and everything will be all right. "Yours respectfully, "Edythe.

Overland, leaning on his shovel, drew his sleeve across his forehead. "Reckon I'll go down and wake Collie. He'll sleep his head off and feel worse 'n thunder." "I'll go," said Winthrop, throwing aside a pan of dirt with a fine disregard of its eventual value. "I want some tobacco, anyway." "Fetch a couple of sticks of dynamite along, Billy. I'll put in one more shot for to-night."

"Don't ever get behind one of these mustangs," said Withers, warningly, as Shefford came up. "You might be killed.... Eat your bite now. We'll soon be out of here." Shefford had been late in awakening. The others had breakfasted. He found eating somewhat difficult in the excitement that ensued. Nas Ta Bega held ropes which were round the necks of Red and Dynamite.

"Oh, I'm very, very, very happy," and, after making this declaration in a shaky voice, she fairly ran away down the passage. Deane watched her as she went. "Maud's right," said he. "She always is. There's nothing for it but dynamite. I wonder where it's to be got?" General Bellairs clapped him on the shoulders. "Inclined for a turn, Deane?

We found, at the occupation, the record of the court-martial on the German naval officer responsible for the failure of the plan. He seems to have pleaded, with success, the fact that his dynamite was fifteen years old.

Parker took the same fatherly interest in these two Colts that he did in the dynamite gun, and finally I put all three and their men under his immediate care, so that he had a battery of seven guns. In fact, I think Parker deserved rather more credit than any other one man in the entire campaign.

Nobody ever knows just what make-up the grip germs will put on to break into the human system, but once they get a foothold in the epiglottis nothing can remove them except inward applications of dynamite. The grip germ hates the idea of race suicide.

I can prove every word of it." "That was what we were afraid of." "It's a peach of a story. With the spring elections coming on we need some dynamite to blow up Big Tim. I tell you McGuire would tell all he knows to save his own skin." "My opinion, too," agreed Warren dryly. "My boy, it's too big a story. That's the whole trouble. If we were sure it would stop at McGuire we'd run it. But it won't.

I did not care what became of me as long as I did not implicate you. I could not do that. "So I changed my plans. Confederates supplied the dynamite, and I got this clock-work, in the brass-bound box, to set it off by means of electrical wires. I planned to be far away when it happened, but I would have left a written confession that would have put the blame where it belonged.