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The impetuous Count poured forth all his wrath in invectives, and declared his readiness to endure any mortification rather than not enforce what he persisted in designating as his legitimate claims as a Prince of the Blood, but his zealous adviser was not to be thus silenced.

In Carlow County, descriptive location is usually accomplished by designating the adjacent, as, "Up at Bardlocks'," "Down by Schofields'," "Right where Hibbards live," "Acrost from Sol. Tibbs's," or, "Other side of Jones's field."

I heard some French fops, yonder, designating her as 'le type du voluptueux; if so, I can only say, 'le voluptueux' is little to my liking. Compare that mulatto with Ginevra!" One morning, Mrs. Bretton, coming promptly into my room, desired me to open my drawers and show her my dresses; which I did, without a word. "That will do," said she, when she had turned them over.

The consul Lucius Opimius took his measures to put down by force of arms the insurrection for the overthrow of the republican constitution, as they were fond of designating the events of this day.

About the centre and at the highest point of the pass stands an old stone building of mean appearance, with the usual sign of an alehouse, "Licensed to retail foreign spirits, ale, and tobacco," over the door, and another small sign, designating it as the highest inhabitable house in England. It is a chill and desolate place for a residence.

"No, missy," said the nurse; "you are to share this young lady's room" designating me. "I wish you, ma'am, good-night," said the little creature to Mrs. Bretton; but she passed me mute. "Good-night, Polly," I said. "No need to say good-night, since we sleep in the same chamber," was the reply. Paulina Home's father was obliged to travel to recruit his health, and her mother being dead, Mrs.

"Little Marie," he said, sitting beside her, "I have pained you and wearied you, I know; but the man and the woman at our house" so designating the heads of the family in accordance with custom "want me to speak to you and ask you to marry me. You won't be willing to do it, I expect that." "Germain," replied little Marie, "have you made up your mind that you love me?"

They sought to strengthen and to make almost absolute the executive authority of their chief, on the ground that such was the popular will; and they denounced with great acrimony the insolence of the upstart members of the States, half a dozen traders, hired advocates, churls, tinkers, and the like as Leicester was fond of designating the men who opposed him in assuming these airs of sovereignty.

The opinions of his friends so nearly coinciding with that of his own, Washington proceeded to act upon them, but with a wise discretion. He had already adopted the plan of designating certain times for visits of compliment, and he gave a public intimation that these would be on Tuesday and Friday of each week, between the hours of two and three o'clock.

Originally the electors voted for two persons without designating their preference for President.