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Bessy was married to a tolerably well-to-do farmer who lived at an almost equal distance between Monkshaven and Hartswell; but from old habit and convenience the latter was regarded as the Dawsons' market-town; so Bessy seldom or never saw her old friends in Monkshaven. But Mrs. Brunton was far too flourishing a person not to speak out her wishes, and have her own way.

The Drifter, being in the hands of the Dawsons, who knew considerable about aviation, would probably follow the same course. At night it was more difficult to tally off progress than in daylight, but so far Dave felt that he had not deviated from the due northwest course that was to bring him to a certain destination.

He sent one of his men to guard the Drifter, and, after a famous meal, made his guests agree to sleep in a comfortable bed for the first time in nearly a week. It was just after they had entered their room that Dave made the remark. "You know we had better see if those friends of the Dawsons have found the Monarch II and made away with it, Hiram."

Still, the night was not perfectly dark, for towards midnight a watery moon rose, and showed itself at intervals between the pelting showers. In the Dawsons' little cottage on Frimley Moor there were still lights showing when that pale moon appeared. Margaret was watching late. She and another woman sat by the fire talking under their breaths.

When I had sat down, under cover of my grandmother, in a chair a little retired behind hers, I looked about me with some dread, and I was glad to recognize the friendly face of Sir Arthur Ardaragh, who came up to us with a cordial greeting. He did not look at all at home among the Dawsons' friends, and I wondered how Lady Ardaragh had persuaded him to come.

"I am positive that the Dawsons and Ridgely have made for some obscure point, probably near Lake Superior, and will open up business in the old way, do their work only at night, and I have come on here to ask Dashaway to work in harmony with me." "Most certainly he will," pledged the factory manager. "I am after Ridgely, you are after your aircraft. We can work together," pronounced the officer.

Even the millionaire Dawsons and Ezra Stowbody and "Professor" George Edwin Mott danced, looking only slightly foolish; and by rushing about the room and being coy and coaxing to all persons over forty-five, Carol got them into a waltz and a Virginia Reel.

As they went away one of the ringmen says, 'Ten to one against Darkie. I lay Darkie. 'Done, says Starlight; 'will you do it in tens? 'All right, says the 'book'. 'I'll take you, says both the Dawsons, and he entered their names. They'd taken all they could get the night before at the hotel; and as no one knew anything about Darkie, and he had top weight, he hadn't many backers. Mr.

"And I was so full of enjoyment, I am ashamed to think of it. But the Dawsons are so kind and the day was so fine Where is Ruth now?" "With Leonard. He is her great earthly motive I thought that being with him would be best. But he must be in bed and asleep now." "I will go up to her," said Miss Faith.

A certain confidence had been reposed in her at Verner's Pride; but it was not her business to make it known, even in her father's home. Rachel was not a good hand at deception, and she changed the subject. "Has there not been some disturbance with the Dawsons to-day? Old Roy was at Verner's Pride this afternoon, and the servants have been saying he came up about the Dawsons."