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The spring-armoured ships were termed "repellers," and were numbered, and the crabs were known by the letters of the alphabet. Each repeller was in charge of a Director of Naval Operations; and the whole naval force of the Syndicate was under the command of a Director-in-chief. On this momentous occasion this officer was on board of Repeller No. 1, and commanded the little fleet.

In this general distraction, the Florentine boys, who were never wanting in any street scene, and were of an especially mischievous sort as who should say, very sour crabs indeed saw a great opportunity.

We now placed the chama shells, the crabs, and other shell-fish, together with Johnny's specimens, to which he had added a splendid madrepore vase, in the boat, and as soon as the swimmers were dressed, we pulled over to Palm-islet. Here we arranged a tent in the same manner as we had done on the memorable night when we first reached these shores.

The young man, who has enough to do in order to acquire such familiarity with the structure of the human body as will enable him to perform the operations of surgery, ought not, in my judgment, to be occupied with investigations into the anatomy of crabs and starfishes.

Lurking in the dark depths of the sea, these Giant Cuttles wait for large fish, Crabs, or even their own relations, to come near. Like hideous, gigantic Spiders, they are the terror of the ocean caverns. They are so large that they have few enemies to fear.

As I turned into Broadway, I was surprised to collide with my friend the doctor. "I came out for a stroll and a bit to eat," I said. "Won't you join me? I know a snug little place that keeps open till two o'clock, where devilled crabs are as good as the broiled oyster." "With pleasure," he replied, cordially, still holding my hand; "not for your food, but for your society.

I jerked hard, but failed to see the fish, and then when I reeled in I found he still had hold of it. Then I struck him, and in one little jerk he broke the leader. I just had a talk with a fellow who claims to know a good deal about bonefishing. He said he had caught a good many ranging up to eight pounds. His claim was that soldier crabs were the best bait.

I send you a note sent by her to Lord Crabs; we will laugh at it soon, n'est-ce pas?" "MY LORD, In reply to your demand for Miss Griffin's hand, in favor of your son, Mr. Algernon Deuceace, I can only repeat what I before have been under the necessity of stating to you, that I do not believe a union with a person of Mr.

Now then, here we are at the beach, an' as far as I can see we have bright prospects in regard to victuals of another sort, for here be crabs an' oysters an' no end o' cockles. Come, we'll not be badly off, if we only had a hut o' some sort to sleep in; but, after all, we can manage to be comfortable enough under a tree.

Wash them carefully and remove the sand bags. Dry them thoroughly and for one dozen crabs have six raw eggs, well beaten. Dip each crab into the eggs and roll them in cracker dust seasoned with salt and black pepper. Fry a light brown, in boiling butter or lard. From MRS. ELLA RAY MILLER, of Idaho, Alternate Lady Manager.