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Tenderness was the divine comforting she needed; and it was altogether absent from her brother's character and behaviour. Her neighbours looked on her with some interest, but they rather shunned than courted her acquaintance; especially after the return of certain nervous attacks, to which she had been subject in childhood, and which were again brought on by the events I must relate.

Woman, courted, flattered, fondled, tempted and deceived, becomes in turn the terrible Nemesis the insatiate Avenger of her sex! Armed with a power which is all but irresistible, and stripped of that which alone can retain and purify her influence, she steps upon the arena of life ready to act her part in the demoralization of society.

An' late at night the candles burned up there as he courted her. Purity and cosiness, you understand, an' down here he forgot about down here. Before he'd missed to speak to me for a month, I'd hear 'en whistlin' up the hill, so merry as a grig. Well, he married her.

There were no soft spots in the walls of Hugo Van Diest's fortress. The water was salt. Mrs. Barraclough was one of those old ladies who are constantly being surprised. She courted surprise.

Smith's attitude, however and, in a Burmese commissioner, it constituted something of a law had done much to break down the barriers; the extraordinary beauty of the girl had done the rest. So that now, far from finding themselves shunned, the society of Karamaneh and her romantic-looking brother was universally courted.

His presence wrapped her in a state of dream, a false peace which she courted. "Oh no, no," she cried, with a childish eagerness that was entirely unlike her, "don't go." "Do you really care so very much?" he asked, with a deep flush of pleasure. "Of course I do, of course." Her thoughts wandered off through strange by-ways.

The city and little state of Palmyra is situated about midway between the cities of Damascus and Babylon. Separated from the rest of the world, between the Roman and the Parthian empires, Palmyra had long kept its freedom, while each of those great rival powers rather courted its friendship than aimed at conquering it.

It was Lamb, and not Coleridge, who wrote 'Dream-Children: a Reverie': 'Then I told how for seven long years, in hope sometimes, sometimes in despair, yet persisting ever, I courted the fair Alice W n; and as much as children could understand, I explained to them what coyness and difficulty and denial meant in maidens when, suddenly turning to Alice, the soul of the first Alice looked out at her eyes with such a reality of representment that I became in doubt which of them stood before me, or whose that bright hair was; and while I stood gazing, both the children gradually grew fainter to my view, receding and still receding, till nothing at last but two mournful features were seen in the uttermost distance, which, without speech, strangely impressed upon me the effects of speech.

He had entered the Guards at the age of eighteen, and having more command of money than most of his contemporaries, though they might be of higher rank and the sons of richer men, he had been much courted and much plundered.

Sometimes he sang in English, then his defective pronunciation lent a strange charm to his singing, which, although it could scarcely be accounted for, made itself felt even in the bosoms of the dilettanti. Strange to say, although courted and run after by nearly all the eligible young ladies, the Count became so fond of Mrs.