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Let it come to you with a pang that hurts you, that for one minute you have been idle, that you have admitted to yourself that life is a thing of no consequence, and that you do not care for it. I shall have to talk to you that way perhaps not so often as I do to myself, because I do not think you are really in your heart such a very dull and sodden creature as I am.

"Oh! as for that matter," was the reply, "it's of very little consequence if you have committed yourself. It's easy to make a speech on the other side and take the first one back. Nobody looks for consistency in times like these." Many Missourians, as well as many citizens of other border slave States, at the beginning of the trouble advocated a policy of neutrality.

It was stipulated that, to save at least the honor of the garrison, there should be a sham fight. In consequence of this, a very sharp fire ensued, from the forts on one side, and on the other from the ships; but on both sides the cannons discharged only powder.

On the evening of the 27th May, we killed one of our bullocks, which had suffered more than any of the others by the journey, in consequence of his having carried our ammunition, which had decreased comparatively little, and the great weight of which had raised large lumps on his ribs, which had formed into ulcers.

I believe nothing is manufactured in Richmond everything comes from the North, and we might as well write to Baltimore at once for what we want. What do you think? I believe nothing of consequence is manufactured here. I will see this week what can be done...." And again, a few days later, he writes: "...I hope you are all well, and as comfortable as can be.

The surgeons assured him his remaining exactly where he was also was a matter of as great consequence. Lee's knowledge of his own lack of strength told him they were right.

The Holland soldiery more accustomed to strong beer than to wine, nevertheless found the latter much to their taste, and imbibed it in such great quantities, that in consequence their heads were turned to an alarming extent. They began at first with some encounters, either among themselves or with the curious crowd who observed them too closely.

As it is I think you presume too much upon my becoming yours as the consequence of my having dismissed another. 'Not on becoming mine, but on listening to me. 'Your argument would be reasonable enough had I led you to believe I would listen to you and ultimately accept you; but that I have not done.

To prevent the possibility of this, they conversed in English; and the consequence is that we are saved, almost by a miracle.

These they sent to graze up in the mountains at a trifling charge, for the first year or two: when they became springers, they put them to rich infield grass for a few months, until they got a marketable appearance, after which their father brought them to the neighboring fairs, where they usually sold to great advantage, in consequence of the small outlay required in rearing them.