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The publication of 'Atala' and the 'Genie du Christianisme' suddenly gave Chateaubriand celebrity, and attracted the attention of the First Consul.

It was during the continuance of this favour that the second edition of the 'Genie du Christianisme' was dedicated to the First Consul. M. de Chateaubriand returned to France previously to entering on the fulfilment of his new mission. He remained for some months in Paris, and on the day appointed for his departure he went to take leave of the First Consul.

In those two books we detect already the disease and the cure in Obermann the irony, refined into a plaintive philosophy of "indifference" in Chateaubriand's Génie du Christianisme, the refuge from a tarnished actual present, a present of disillusion, into a world of strength and beauty in the Middle Age, as at an earlier period in René and Atala into the free play of them in savage life.

Were not her words, nearly 500 years later, echoed by Renan when he says, “Après Jésus, c’est Marie de Magdale qui a le plus fait pour la fondation du Christianisme”? L’Epistre au Dieu d’Amours is an extraordinary product of worldly wisdom and common sense, seasoned with satire.

Our relations with the Court of the Vatican being renewed, and Cardinal Fesch appointed Ambassador to the Holy See, Bonaparte conceived the idea of making M. de Chateaubriand first secretary to the Embassy, thinking that the author of the 'Genie du Christianisme' was peculiarly fitted to make up for his uncle's deficiency of talent in the capital of the Christian world, which was destined to become the second city of the Empire.

This is the religion and this is the reason which appeals to Christ in order to condemn Christianity. Histoire des Origines du Christianisme. Livre II. Les Apôtres. Par Ernest Renan. Saturday Review, 14th July 1866. In his recent volume, Les Apôtres, M. Renan has undertaken two tasks of very unequal difficulty.

Pendant ce temps, le bruit courut qu'un prince Tartare nommé Sartach avoit embrassé le christianisme. Le baptême d'un prince infidèle étoit pour Louis une de ces béatitudes au charme desquelles il ne savoit pas résister. Il résolut d'envoyer une ambassade

But as thought progresses, as the sum of ideas increases and society changes, fresh material is supplied to art, there is "a new development of sensibility" which enables literary artists to compass new kinds of charm. The Genie du Christianisme embodied a commentary on her contention, more arresting than any she could herself have furnished.

In literature the tendency appears as romanticism, in politics as legitimism, in religion as ultramontanism. Le Maistre with his L'Eglise gallicane du Pape; Chateaubriand with his Génie du Christianisme; Lamennais with his Essai sur l'Indifference en Matière, de Religion, were, from 1820 to 1860, the exponents of a view which has had prodigious consequences for France and Italy.

Madame Gay applied to Madame Regnault de St. Jean d'Angely, who interested her husband in favour of the author of the Genie du Christianisme. M. de Montalivet and Savary also acted on this occasion in the most praiseworthy manner, and succeeded in appeasing the first transports of the Emperor's rage.