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Entering Havill's office, Dare found him sitting there; but the drawings had all disappeared from the boards. The architect held an open letter in his hand. 'Well, what news? said Dare. 'Miss Power has returned to the castle, Somerset is detained in London, and the competition is decided, said Havill, with a glance of quiet dubiousness. 'And you have won it? 'No. We are bracketed it's a tie.

"Oh, he's genuine enough," said Paula. "A quarter to a half as good as he pretends and that's as well as the whole of that lot will average. Though he isn't the sort you and John would take to, for a fact." It was not the first time Mary had found herself bracketed with her father in just this way. It wasn't a sneering way, hardly hostile.

I've told you I am going to pay Dennison off and pay him with the same coin that he handed me. Doesn't that mean anything at all?" He stopped short, crossed to the table and stood with his fingertips bracketed upon its surface. Morehouse knew Hogarty knew him as did few other men, unless, perhaps, it was those who, years before, had faced him in the ring.

That salt of sincerity which saves 'Jude the Obscure' and 'Tess o' the D'Urber-villes' from being wholly nauseous, is absent from 'A Modern Lover' and 'A Drama in Muslin, and its flavour is but faintly perceptible in 'Esther Waters. Except on the distinct understanding that Thomas Hardy and George Moore are bracketed here, for the sake of convenience, as being both 'under French encouragement, it would be a gross critical injustice to couple their names together at all.

Here, they think golf and cricket should be bracketed along with hopscotch, dominoes and tiddly-winks; just as I used to fancy baseball was a glorified kids' game. I know better now." I looked at him rather darkly. "Oh! it's all right, friend, it takes a man to play baseball, same as it takes a man to play golf and cricket. Golfing is about the only vice I have left.

"Why, you let the cat out of the bag yourself!" exclaimed Dave triumphantly. Then the conversation took a more general turn. By this time, I had provisionally accounted for my vaguely-fancied recognition of the man. With the circumspection of a seasoned speculatist, I had bracketed two independent hypotheses, either of which would supply a satisfactory solution.

In April 1841 he took his M.A. degree, coming out first in Classics and Philosophy, and being bracketed first in Mathematics. Among his fellow-students his reputation was maintained not merely by the honours he gained in the class lists, but by his prowess in the debating arena.

I have a notion that numbers play a part in it you see where these crossed squares are bracketed those must be numbers requiring two figures " He fell silent again, and for another quarter of an hour he remained motionless, immersed in the problem before him, Harren frowning at the paper over his shoulder. "Come!" said the Tracer suddenly; "this won't do.

This romance at any rate is bracketed by her early and her late appeal; and when its melancholy protrusions had caught the declining light again from my half-hour's talk with her I took a private vow to recover while that light still lingers something of the delicate flush, to pick out with a brief patience the perplexing lesson. It was wonderful to observe how for herself Mrs.

The voluntary or accidental error is nothing; but the conception of Roman Imperialism which it popularized is worth considering. It is false to the genius of Rome. It is not that the phrase nowhere occurs in a Roman historian; but no statesman, no Roman historian, not Sulla, not Caesar, nor Marcus, could ever have bracketed these words.