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Imagine us then, morning after morning, mounting somewhere between six and eight o'clock, according to the weather and the length of the journey, and jingling out of camp, followed at a discreet distance by Youssouf on his white pony with the luncheon, and Paris on his tiny donkey, Tiddly-winks.

"We must give 'em a little football. These gentlemen need a rubbing down." "No biting," said The Maltese Cat, warningly; for once or twice in his career Who's Who had been known to forget himself in that way. "Who said anything about biting? I'm not playing tiddly-winks. I'm playing the game." The Archangels came down like a wolf on the fold, for they were tired of football, and they wanted polo.

It was Larson who made the most furious charge upon Macnamara." "Of course it was," cried Patricia, indignantly. "Jumbo deserved all he got. Why, the way he mauled little Snoopy and Geordie Ross in the first part of the game was perfectly horrid. Don't you think so, Hugh?" "Oh, well, hockey is not tiddly-winks, you know, Patricia, and " "As if I didn't know that!" broke in the girl indignantly.

Here, they think golf and cricket should be bracketed along with hopscotch, dominoes and tiddly-winks; just as I used to fancy baseball was a glorified kids' game. I know better now." I looked at him rather darkly. "Oh! it's all right, friend, it takes a man to play baseball, same as it takes a man to play golf and cricket. Golfing is about the only vice I have left.