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Sweeten to taste and flavor with a pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg. Slice a lemon very thin and put in the beer. Let get very cold on ice and serve with sponge-cake. Dutch Biscuits. Make a soft biscuit dough; then put on a well-floured baking-board and roll out one-half inch thick. Sprinkle with sugar, cinnamon and grated lemon peel and pour over some melted butter.

Daniel, his eyes shining and his lips parted, was just making up his mind that he would rather be the captain of a fishing-smack than anything else in the world, since he knew he could n't be a pirate, when his mother came to the fireplace with a layer of corn-meal dough spread on a baking-board.

Beat 1 cup of sugar with 1/2 cup of butter to a cream; add 2 beaten eggs, a pinch of salt, 1/2 cup of milk and the grated peel of 1/2 lemon. Add enough sifted flour with 1 teaspoonful of baking-powder to make a soft biscuit dough. Put on a well-floured baking-board. Roll out a half inch thick. Cut into triangles and drop in a kettle of hot rendered butter; fry until a golden brown.

Roll out a piece of dough large enough to cover your whole baking-board, roll thin.

Stew enough to answer for both sauce and filling. When raised, flour the baking-board and roll out the dough half an inch thick. Cut cakes out of it with a tumbler, brush the edges with white of egg, put a teaspoon of peach compote in the centre of a cake and cover it with another layer of cake and press the edges firmly together. Steam over boiling water and serve with peach sauce.

A thundering rap on the front door resounded through the cottage; the sailor put his pride in his pocket, stooped low and darted in. Nelly shut the door, and leaned a baking-board against it. "Let us in!" said a deep voice outside. "Never!" replied Bessy, stamping her foot. "You had better, dear," replied the voice, in a conciliatory tone; "we won't do you any harm."

Put into boiling-salted water, boil about twenty-five minutes. Serve at once with chopped onions browned, or browned bread crumbs and chicken fat. Boil eight potatoes. When they are very soft drain off every drop of water, lay them on a clean baking-board and mash them while hot with a rolling-pin, adding about one cup of flour.

Serve, garnished with sliced beets, olives and sprigs of parsley. Hungarian Dumplings. Mix 2 eggs with 1 tablespoonful of water, a pinch of salt and enough sifted flour to make a stiff dough. Roll out on a well-floured baking-board as thin as possible.

Let it rise at least an hour, but should it not have risen very much say double the size let it stand longer, as the bread cannot be light if the dough has not risen sufficiently. Now have a baking-board well floured, and turn all the dough on to it. Have tins or earthenware pans, or even pie-dishes well greased. Divide the dough, putting enough to half fill the pans or tins.

Add 1 cup of hot cream; season to taste and serve very hot. Greek Cakes. Mix 1/2 pound of butter and 1 cup of sugar to a cream; add 4 well-beaten eggs and the grated rind and juice of 1/2 lemon. Then stir in 1/2 pound of flour and work into a smooth dough. Lay on a well-floured baking-board and roll out thin. Cut into fancy shapes and bake in a moderate oven until done.