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The number of aspirants to the Presidency and the diversity of the interests which may influence their claims leave little reason to expect a choice in the first instance, and in that event the election must devolve on the House of Representatives, where it is obvious the will of the people may not be always ascertained, or, if ascertained, may not be regarded.

As has been already stated, on her second return from France she found herself surrounded by more than forty aspirants to the religious state, who led most humble and penitential lives yet though all were very fervent, all were not equally strong, either in body or mind, and the health of many among them visibly declined, so that it became necessary to set bounds to their austerities, especially as they were not yet under the guidance of an approved rule, which of its own nature would have prevented indiscreet excesses.

How little, too, can one man, whose talents may not be in that coarse road in that mephitic atmosphere, be enabled to effect!" "He may effect a vast deal even without eloquence or labour: he may effect a vast deal, if he can set one example, amidst a crowd of selfish aspirants and heated fanatics, of an honest and dispassionate man.

We must guard against this betimes, Cesarini for know that I dislike Maltravers as much as you do, and will cheerfully aid you in any plan to blight his hopes in that quarter." "Generous, noble friend! yet he is richer, better-born than I." "That may be: but to one in Lady Florence's position, all minor grades of rank in her aspirants seem pretty well levelled.

Many good people who adopt this dietetic reform have a tendency to scratch one another's shoulder blades and expect to find their wings already sprouting. If it were as easy as this the complacent cow would be high up in the scale of spiritual aspirants. The consciousness of man works from a centre which co-ordinates and includes the phenomena of thought, feeling, and volition.

They were met at the door by M'Nab, then in the act of bidding good-by to a batch of serjeants, who, adjusting their bonnets as they stepped, one after the other, from beneath the low doorway of the Ram's Head, were about to form a recruiting party to beat up through the streets for young aspirants after military glory a single drummer and fifer being in attendance for this purpose. "Ah, Shames!

National Republicans, anti-Masons, converted Jacksonians, state rights men upon what broad and constructive platform could they hope to unite? They had no lack of able presidential aspirants.

It is a book which, though intended primarily for young legal aspirants, will also instruct, and indeed entertain the public. It is more than this for those who can pursue the spirit of a work through its details, and see the character of an individual or a class rising palpably out of reasonings, maxims, and material circumstances.

Mackaye, like a great many other aspirants, began at the wrong end: he made his piece poetry first and foremost, and drama only incidentally. And I think that the only way to prepare the public for true poetic drama is to educate the public's faith in its right to be bored in the theatre by poetry that is not dramatic.

You think, perhaps, that it will be the same with the rough hand that hand which dives into our pockets. Do not deceive yourselves. The aspirants after popularity would not know their trade, if they had not the art, when they show the gentle hand, to conceal the rough one. Their reign will assuredly be the jubilee of the tax-payers.