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He ate little, drank like an ogre, and was talkative about his amours; getting carried away he got so close to being naughty that he upset my wife, without actually going to far. Apropos of the Revolution, and the danger we incurred, he said innocently: "Don't I run as much risk as anybody? It is my opinion that, in three months, I shall have my head off! But we must all take our chance!"

If I'm not mistaken, Prince, your motor is a Festa, made in Vienna, isn't it?" "Certainly; the most successful in Austria. And mine is the handsomest car the company has yet turned out. It was a special order." "There's an old proverb which says, 'all isn't gold that glitters. I don't know whether it's apropos to anything that concerns us or not, but we shall perhaps remember it sooner or later.

The advantages were mutual: we were both unconsciously and consciously teaching each other. 'You say "were." I trust you are intending to pursue the same course? 'I must stop Colthurst, said Henry Lennox, hastily. And by an abrupt, yet apropos question, he turned the current of the conversation, so as not to give Mr.

He went away with vanity flattered by the sense of having been appealed to concerning Margaret, and then he began to chafe at what she had said of Wetmore's honesty, apropos of her wish that he still had a class himself. Did she mean, confound her? that he was insincere, and would let Miss Vance suppose she had more talent than she really had?

Apropos of some misunderstanding, her father said to her jestingly one day, "Eden, did you ever hear of such a thing as hemiopia?" The girl shook her head. "Well," he continued, "there is a disease of that name which affects the eye in such a manner that only half the object looked at is seen. Don't you think you had better consult an oculist?"

The historical facts therein are supported by undisputable authority. And I think it apropos beneficial to my readers, if it will be placed at their hands before the closing of this chapter. On the river Tiber, about fifteen miles from its mouth in the plain of what is now called the Campagna, stands the famous capital of the Western World, and the present residence of the Pope, the City of Rome.

Miss Ambient kept her secret I've already had occasion to say that she had her good points but it rankled in her conscience like a guilty participation and, I imagine, had something to do with her ultimately retiring from the world. And, apropos of consciences, the reader is now in a position to judge of my compunction for my effort to convert my cold hostess.

Coomstock always done it, and a man's no man without, though a dirty habit wheer they doan't use a spittoon." She smiled, but to herself, and was lost in thought a moment. He saw her eyes very bright and her head wagging. Then she looked at him and laughed again. "You'm a fine figure of a man, tu," she said, apropos of nothing in particular. But the newcomer understood.

He lost his appetite and in consequence he lost weight. Andrew Daney was greatly concerned about him, and one day, apropos of nothing, he demanded a bill of particulars. "Oh, I daresay I'm getting old, Andrew," The Laird replied evasively. "Worrying about the boy?" It was a straight shot and old Hector was too inexpressibly weary to attempt to dodge it. He nodded sadly.

The opening was too good to be lost. With the remembrance of June's wistful face before her eyes, Gillian plunged in recklessly. "Apropos of such offerings don't you think it would be wiser if you weren't quite so nice to Dan Storran?" "Am I nice to him?" "Too much so for my peace of mind or his! It worries me, Magda really. You'll play with fire once too often."