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"I think you are one of the people who always have nice things in their pantry," declared Paul. "Grandma's like that too. But she doesn't approve of snacks between meals. I wonder," he added meditatively, "if I OUGHT to eat them away from home when I know she doesn't approve." "Oh, I don't think she would disapprove after you have had a long walk.

I am not at liberty to give you the whole of my reasons, but you may, I assure you, take it from me that they are good ones, sound and unselfish, and spring from the highest sense of duty. "Could you look, sir, into my heart, you would approve to the full the sentiments which animate me. Nay, more, you would count me amongst the best and truest of your friends." Again he looked at us all keenly.

What if she happens to want something you don't approve of?" "She won't. A good woman doesn't." "But suppose your woman isn't good, and does?" "I should have to explain to her her mistake." "And then when she says, 'But I don't regard it as a mistake, I think it was quite right, what will you do?" "I wouldn't have a woman who would hold such views." "What is it you want for a wife, Philip?

Oh, Basil, I'm afraid he'll change his mind! You ought to have accepted on the spot. You might have known I would approve, and you could so easily have taken it back if I didn't. Telegraph him now! Run right out with the despatch Or we can send Tom!" In these imperatives of Mrs. March's there was always much of the conditional.

Nor is a day so hectic usually concluded by finding an impromptu parlour picnic in full swing at home where rest was sought finding, too, the full realization that you not only do not love your wife but you do not even approve of her.

There will be work for you and for those gentlemen to-day," pointing to several surgeons and doctors standing near. "M. le Duc," replied Lannefranque, "this day will add yet more to your glory." "My glory," interrupted the marshal eagerly; "do you wish me to speak frankly? I do not approve very highly of this affair; and, moreover, whatever may be the issue, this will be my last battle."

Annie looked meekly culpable, although she was not. Her aunts did not approve of newspapers, as containing so much information, so much cheap information concerning the evil in the world, especially for a young person like Annie, and she was not allowed to read them, although she sometimes did so surreptitiously. "It was in all the papers," continued Margaret, with her censorious air.

I often think whether she would approve of this or that opinion, action, &c. Wright's painting is pleasant to look upon. I stand in a corner of my room, at father's old mahogany desk. Her picture and his, the large framed photographs from Richmond's drawing, and a good photograph of the Bishop are just above. I wish you could see my room.

The Vicomte had stationed himself opposite to Mademoiselle de Courval, and kept his eyes fixed on her very tenderly. "Mademoiselle, I see, does not approve of such bourgeois diversions," said he. "No, monsieur," said the gentle Adele. "But I think we must sacrifice our own tastes to those of the company." "It is a very amiable sentiment," said the epicier.

Only you and Mr Cargrim and Mr Tinkler are aware of the truth, and I tell you all this, sir, as I neither approve of, nor believe in, Mr Cargrim. I am certain that Dr Pendle is innocent; Mr Cargrim is equally certain that he is guilty; so I am working to prove the truth, and that, concluded the solemn Baltic, 'will not be what Mr Cargrim desires. 'Good God! the man must hate the bishop.