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Then Biberli, paying no further heed to his master's orders never to mention the Ortlieb sisters again in his presence, burst forth indignantly: "It might move a stone to pity to know the wrong the monster has done Jungfrau Eva and her pure and virtuous sister, the loyal betrothed bride of a brave man and the abominable names bestowed on the young ladies, whom formerly young and old, hat in hand, called the beautiful Es."

But that is just the way; when one has educated one's daughters, and taught them something of good manners, just when one has begun to have real pleasure in them, that one must lose them must let them go to China if the lover chance to be a Chinese! It is intolerable! It is abominable! I would not wish my worst enemy the pain of having grown-up daughters.

And Pierre well remembered how uncomfortable he had felt before that lake where ancient atrocities, a mysterious religion with abominable rites, seemed to slumber amidst the superb scenery. He had seen it at the approach of evening, looking, in the shade of its forest girdle, like a plate of dull metal, black and silver, motionless by reason of its weight.

Denton," said the girl, with a pout. "I think she's as awkward as anything, and her color is abominable." "She's as fresh as a daisy," was the young man's answer. "Forbes had an eye for beauty when he hired that lovely creature." "You men have queer taste," snapped the saleswoman, angrily, but the young man had passed on, staring at Faith all the way.

The directory were formally installed at the Luxembourg, in Paris, on the first of November, 1795. On the same day a pen-picture of the convention was published at Paris, signed REAL. "The convention," he said, "has terminated its sittings. Where is the Tacitus who shall write the history of its glorious actions and its abominable excesses?

Their heads heated with wine, it was not difficult to influence their minds, or to mislead their judgment, and they exclaimed, as in a chorus, "C'est abominable! Cela fait fremir!" Talleyrand took advantage of their situation, as well as of their indiscretion.

That's only an old false theory, that exploded years ago, along with the one about everlasting damnation, and several other abominable ones of like ilk. Do you honestly believe if you will think sanely for a moment that you have had more joy than I? Or that you are not suffering twice as much as I am, or ever shall?" "You say all that to comfort me, because you're twice as brave as I am."

Theft is a thing not known among the Creek Indians; though frequent, and even honorable among the Uchees. Murder they look on as a most abominable crime: but do not esteem the killing of an enemy, or one that has injured them, murder.

What d'ye think of that for a follower of Jesus with the loving heart? What d'ye think of that?" "Think!" said Aubrey indignantly, with an involuntary clenching of his hand, "Why, that it is abominable disgraceful! I should like to thrash the brute!" "So would a many," said his informant with an approving chuckle, "So would a many! But that's not all there's more behind and worse too "

Fix rubbed his hands softly with satisfaction; if Phileas Fogg could be detained in Calcutta a week, it would be more than time for the warrant to arrive. Passepartout was stupefied. This sentence ruined his master. A wager of twenty thousand pounds lost, because he, like a precious fool, had gone into that abominable pagoda!