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Consequently the side of the diaphragm toward the chest organs is like a protruding rounded surface like a hill. When the diaphragm is brought into use the hill formation is lowered and the diaphragm presses upon the abdominal organs and forces out the abdomen. In Low Breathing, the lungs are given freer play than in the methods already mentioned, and consequently more air is inhaled.

The abdominal muscular contraction is also, in turn, more vigorous and extensive, and thus the motion is returned from below. Persons that take little or no exercise, or who allow the chest and bowels to be confined by tight clothing, lose this natural stimulus, and frequently become subjects of immense suffering from habits of costiveness.

But while I did not mention the bladder in my hypnotic suggestion, yet the abdominal pain disappeared together with the obsession and the situation might easily have suggested that the bladder trouble was a nervous one which had been cured by the hypnotic sleep.

After this meal his stomach swelled to an enormous extent and tore the diaphragm on the right side, causing immediate death. If the injury is unaccompanied by lesion of the abdominal or thoracic viscera, the prognosis is not so unfavorable as might be supposed.

A nervous tug-of-war was taking place between her right and left hand, with a twisted-up pair of ecru gloves for the cable. "You know me," he began again in his deliberate and abdominal bass. "And I know you. I 've got 'o get this man Binhart. I 've got 'o! He 's been out for seven months, now, and they 're going to put it up to me, to me, personally. Copeland tried to get him without me.

He "did" himself as well as his friends mostly knew, yet remained hungrily thin, with facial, with abdominal cavities quite grim in their effect, and with a consequent looseness of apparel that, combined with a choice of queer light shades and of strange straw-like textures, of the aspect of Chinese mats, provocative of wonder at his sources of supply, suggested the habit of tropic islands, a continual cane-bottomed chair, a governorship exercised on wide verandahs.

Saturday evening, Feb. 7th, condition worse, pulse 112, temp. 103, tongue furred ash-colored, countenance typhoid in expression, loss of appetite, no abdominal symptoms, mind clear. Sunday, Feb 8th. pulse 120, temp. 105.4, tongue same as yesterday, had a chill last night. The skin over the sinus is inflamed somewhat more than it was yesterday.

On receiving a sentence of three years' imprisonment, an Englishman, to prevent them being taken from him, swallowed seven half-crowns. He suffered no bad effects, and the coins not appearing the affair was forgotten. While at stool some twenty months afterward, having taken a purgative for intense abdominal pain, the seven coins fell clattering into the chamber.

The intestines and stomach were not injured, but there was considerable extravasation of blood into the abdominal cavity. The intestines were cleansed and an unsuccessful attempt was made to replace them. The intestines remained outside of the body for two hours, and the great omentum was carefully spread out over the chest to prevent interference with the efforts to return the intestines.

The stomach, the liver, and other abdominal organs are often displaced, causing dyspepsia and all its attendant evils. The improper use of corsets, especially by young women, is injurious, as they interfere with the proper development of the chest and abdominal organs. The use of tight elastics below the knee is often injurious.