United States or South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was just off the side of the road, about 120 feet in the air. It was drifting slowly to the east, "less than the speed required to take off in a Cub airplane." They drove on down the road about 50 more yards, stopped, and got out of the car. The object, which they estimated to be the size of a B-29 fuselage, was still drifting along slowly.

This revenue comes chiefly from the duties levied upon all imported articles, and from the orchilla trade, which is monopolized by the Government at home, and produces 50,000 dollars per annum. These islands supply the Portuguese with a place of honorable exile for officers who may be suspected of heresy in politics, and hostility to existing institutions.

So long as they acquiesced in the rough-and-ready royalty of 50 per cent, he had proposed to them when he first decided to detain them in his own territory one stone for the king, and one for the explorers they were free to pursue their quest after gems to their hearts' content in the valleys of Barolong land.

I'll make you special price if you want any." "What will you do?" They cost us $4.50 at the factory; I quoted $4.75. "Great Caesar! You are high!" "Yes? Well, it is the best I can do." "Make it $4.50 and we will take twelve." "No, sir; it can't be done. But I am afraid there is no use in my trying to sell you. If you can get them at $4.50 you can buy as low as we can." "Well, send me a dozen."

The wool production began to grow; grain-raising followed followed so vigorously, too, that four or five years after the copper discovery, this little colony, which had had to import its breadstuffs formerly, and pay hard prices for them once $50 a barrel for flour had become an exporter of grain. The prosperities continued.

Insist that librarians get a copy of this book, and other anti-evolution books, especially those mentioned herein; also other good books. The author and publisher of this book will give 50% commission for selling it, and will mail two copies for $1.00 to all who will become agents. If you can't be an agent, you will do great good by securing another.

"That's what's more than any other man can do," said M'Nicholl drily, "who wants to take a jump of 50 miles!" "Better not try it, friend Ardan," said Barbican grimly: "think of Satellite! The Moon is no more attainable by your body than by our Projectile. You are far more comfortable in here than when floating about in empty space like a bolide."

One might say that eight to twelve hats, costing $25 to $50 apiece, was a fair average, though $800 to $1200 worth is not so rare as to cause a panic at the customhouse. The comparative amounts which men and women spend affords an interesting comment on the relative importance which men and women attach to clothes. In one case of which I happen to know Mr.

A 500 Mile C. W. Telegraph Transmitter. For sending to distances of over 200 miles and up to 500 miles you can use either: three or four 5 watt oscillator tubes in parallel as described above, or one 50 watt oscillator tube. Much of the apparatus for a 50 watt tube set is exactly the same as that used for the 5 watt sets.

In the first case the Archduke would have had a great superiority, and in the second, all was prepared in Hesse and in Hanover to rise on the approach of the Austrian and English armies. At the commencement of July the English advanced upon Cuxhaven with a dozen small ships of war. They landed 400 or 600 sailors and about 50 marines, and planted a standard on one of the outworks.