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Cobb, a Boston merchant. At the age of twenty-three, Mr. Cobb drew up and subscribed the following remarkable document: "By the grace of God I will never be worth more than 50,000 dollars, "By the grace of God I will give one fourth of the net profits of my business to charitable and religious uses.

A trader desirous to make a journey into the interior, whether for slaves or ivory, gum-copal, or orchilla weed, proposes to a Banyan to advance him $5,000, at 50, 60, or 70 per cent. interest. The Banyan is safe enough not to lose, whether the speculation the trader is engaged upon pays or not.

Thus intrenched, the Ring levied tribute on every municipal activity. Everyone who had a charge against the city, either for work done or materials furnished, was told to add to the amount of his bill, at first 10%, later 66%, and finally 85%. One man testified that he was told to raise to $55,000 his claim of $5000. He got his $5000; the Ring got $50,000.

besides produce consumed and on hand at the time this estimate was made of the value of $4.50 the amount on hand much more than balancing a little grass which I did not raise.

We design, equip guarantee Dirigibles for all purposes. Standard Dig Construction Company MILLWALL and BUENOS AYRES MABELLE, 50 knt., 40 ft., 310 Hargreaves Motor, Douglas' lock-steering gear. The above are well known on the South Coast as sound, wholesome knockabout boats, with ample cruising accommodation.

"We'll never find it," growled an impatient young electrician. As if to rebuke him for his want of faith, the "fault" came in then and there at 9:50 p.m., ship's time. "Ah!" said Mr Field, whose chief characteristic was an unwavering faith in ultimate success, "I knew we should find it are long. I have often known cables to stop working for two hours, no one knew why, and then begin again."

I determined to acquire yet one more great experience, and going in I found a great number of tin cans, such as the French carry up water in, without covers, tapering to the top, and standing about three feet high; on these were pasted large printed labels, '30', '40', and '50', and they were brimming with wine. I spoke to the woman, and pointing at the tin cans, said

It would appear that Napoleon had under his command about 250,000 men, and that he lost at least 50,000 in killed and wounded on the field. The allied forces were much larger numerically, and their losses fully equalled those of the French. But their victory was crushing. One of its immediate results was that Napoleon was forced to abandon Saxony, and with it the French cause in Germany.

From this point to the outbreak of the Civil war in 50 B.C., the third period continues the record of his great speeches; but they are no longer at the old height, nor do they occupy his full energy; and now he breaks new ground in two fields with works of extraordinary brilliance, the De Oratore and the De Republica.

The increase of money in circulation during the nineteen months has been in the aggregate $93,866,813, or about $1.50 per capita, and of this increase only $7,100,000 was due to the recent silver legislation. That this substantial and needed aid given to commerce resulted in an enormous reduction of the public debt and of the annual interest charge is matter of increased satisfaction.