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Among those glittering starts of light That Christ still holdeth fast In his right hand with all his might, Until that danger's past, 46. That shakes the world, and most hath dropt Into grief and distress, O blessed then is he that's wrapt In Christ his righteousness. 47. This is the man death cannot kill, For he hath put on arms; Him sin nor Satan hath not skill To hurt with all their charms. 48.

Or if he attempts to write the figures "74" cents in repetition it is likely that they may be transposed to "47" cents in the operation. How to write this check in order that it may not be tampered with and "raised" is something that has held the attentions and invited the inventive talents of many people, in and out of business.

The Longitude given by the Ship, reckoning from the last Observation 5 Days ago, differs only 8 Miles from the Observation, which shews that we have not been in any Currents. Soundings from 40 to 47. Wind North-Easterly; course South 46 degrees 30 minutes West; distance 81 miles; latitude 41 degrees 45 minutes South, longitude 59 degrees 37 minutes West. Friday, 30th.

The Messianic entry Matt. xxi. 1-11; Mark xi. 1-11; Luke six. 29-44; John xii. 12-19. Visit to the temple: the cursing of the barren fig-tree Matt. xxi. 18-19, 12-17; Mark xi. 12-14, 15-18; Luke xix. 45, 47, 48. Return to Bethany for the night Matt. xxi. 17; Mark xi. 19; Luke xxi. 37, 38. Visit to the temple: the fig-tree found withered Matt, xxi 20-23; Mark xi. 20-27; Luke xx. 1.

Those Strangers who were wealthy, or skilled in manufactures, instead of becoming servants themselves, would need servants for their own use, and as inducements for the Strangers to become servants to the Israelites, were greater than persons of their own nation could hold out to them, these wealthy Strangers would naturally procure the poorer Israelites for servants. See Levit. xxv. 47.

At noon on the 26th, being in latitude 10° 47' S., longitude 249° 52' W., we found the variation to be10' W., and our situation to be twenty-five miles to the northward of the log; for which I know not how to account.

* See "La Verite sur l'Expedition du Mexique, d'apres les Documents Inedits de Ernest Louet, Payeur-en-Chef du Corps Expeditionnaire," edited by Paul Gaulot. Part I, "Reve d'Empire" p. 37, 4th ed. Ibid, p. 47. This letter was dated "Orizaba, March 17, 1862."

According to the latest statistics, the police force of Japan amounted to something under 35,000 officers and men. When we consider that this body of men is responsible for the enforcement of the law and the preservation of order among some 47,000,000 people, it will, I think, be admitted that the number is not excessive.

For instance, a pig-iron handler, lifting and carrying pigs weighing 92 pounds each, could lift and carry 47 tons of iron in a day without undue fatigue if fifty-seven per cent of his working hours were spent in rest, and forty-three per cent were spent in work.

And in the corner what do you think there is? There is an actual GUILLOTINE. If you doubt me, go and see Gale, High Holborn, No. 47. It is a slim instrument, much slighter than those which they make now; some nine feet high, narrow, a pretty piece of upholstery enough. As Pinto looked at it Mr.