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Those for a single year are here given: BALANCE OF GAIN AND LOSS, 1798. Dr. gained. Cr. lost. Mansion House... 466.18.02-1/2 Muddy Hole Farm 60.01.03-1/2 Spinning ....... 51.02.0 Hire of head overseer .... 140.00.0 By Clear gain on the Estate. £898.16.4-1/4

Rags ...................... 190 0 0 9,912 lbs. Wool ...................... 481 19 6 466 Sheep-skins .......................... 57 10 0 61 kegs of Butter ....................... 122 0 0 19,648,000 feet sawed Lumber .................... 21,296 0 0 513 Cows ................................. 2,052 0 0 L52,532 17 5

Oh, leave these jargons, and go your way straight to God's work, in simplicity and singleness of heart. 25,466 were returned, at the census of 1851, as nurses by profession, 39,139 nurses in domestic service, and 2,822 midwives. The numbers of different ages are shown in table A, and in table B their distribution over Great Britain.

Deducting from the expenditures the sum of $1,896,525, the amount of appropriations for ocean-steamship and other special service, the excess of expenditures was $4,541,466. By using an unexpended balance in the Treasury of $3,800,000 the actual sum for which a special appropriation is required to meet the deficiency is $741,466.

Clarendon, vol. ii. p. 336. * Dugdale, p. 78. Whitlocke, p. 51. Rush. vol. v. p. 466. Nalson, vol. ii. p, 794. v Clarendon, vol. ii. p. 355. When the commons employed in their remonstrance language so severe and indecent, they had not been actuated entirely by insolence and passion; their views were more solid and profound.

I found here a species of cactus, described by Professor Henslow, under the name of Opuntia Darwinii "Magazine of Zoology and Botany" volume 1 page 466, which was remarkable for the irritability of the stamens, when I inserted either a piece of stick or the end of my finger in the flower. The segments of the perianth also closed on the pistil, but more slowly than the stamens.

See ante, ib. p. 466 See ante, ib. p. 467. See ante, ib. p. 470. See ante, ib. p. 469. See ante, p. 405. Bishop Porteus. See ante, p. 279. Miss Letitia Barnston. 'At Chester I passed a fortnight in mortal felicity.

The copy of this Order in Council which the author is here using is in the Naval Chronicle, vol. xxvii. p. 466. This letter, which is given in a very mutilated form in the American State Papers, Foreign Relations, vol. iii. p. 602, has been published in full by the Bureau of Historical Research, Carnegie Institution, Washington.

Three preliminary facts should not only be stated but emphasized before looking into details: First, that the public debt has been reduced since March 4, 1889, $259,074,200, and the annual interest charge $11,684,469; second, that there have been paid out for pensions during this Administration up to November 1, 1892, $432,564,178.70, an excess of $114,466,386.09 over the sum expended during the period from March 1, 1885, to March 1, 1889; and, third, that under the existing tariff up to December 1 about $93,000,000 of revenue which would have been collected upon imported sugars if the duty had been maintained has gone into the pockets of the people, and not into the public Treasury, as before.

Italy was most severely visited, and was said to have lost most of its inhabitants. In the north of Europe two of the brothers of Magnus, King of Sweden, died; and in Westgothland alone 466 priests died. The plague showed no decrease in the northern climates of Iceland and Greenland, and caused great havoc in those countries.