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Christ Church " ................. 949 14. Trinity " ................. 259 15. St. John's " ................. 218 16. Jesus " ................. 167 17. Wadham " ................. 217 18. Pembroke " ................. 189 19. Worcester " ................. 231 St. Mary Hall. .............. 83 2. Magdalen " .............. 178 3. New Inn " .............. 10 4. St. Alban " .............. 41 5. St.

* Haynes, vol i. p. 256, 259. Haynes. vol. i. p. 223. * Rymer, tom. xv. p. 593. Keith, p. 137. Spotswood, p. 147. Knox, p. 229. Thus Europe saw, in the first transaction of this reign, the genius and capacity of the queen and her ministers. She discerned at a distance the danger which threatened her; and instantly took vigorous measures to prevent it.

"The Presentation" is the finest in composition and general effect, and contains very stately figures of Joachim and Anna, with splendidly draped robes, and behind them a fine austere landscape. All three pictures are broadly painted and swept in in the usual impressionistic manner. See p. 10. Vasari, iii. 70. Commentario. Vischer, p. 259.

By 1755 their fleets and catches equaled those of the French, and in 1768 passed them. Jefferson's statistics present an impressive picture of the fishing activity of that time and place, especially when compared with the unorganized Chesapeake fisheries just then coming of age. In 1791 he said there were 259 French vessels totaling 24,422 tons and employing 9,722 seamen.

Practically, of course, most education is given outside the schools, and there the evils of an unregulated time of transition are multiplied through imitation. EARL BARNES, Children's Ideals, in Studies in Education, Vol. II, p. 237; also School Girls' Ideas of Women's Occupations by SARAH YOUNG, in Studies in Education, Vol. II, p. 259.

The very subordinate position of the mediæval German woman is set forth by Hagelstange, Süddeutsches Bauernleben in Mittelalter, 1898, pp. 70 et seq. Howard, op. cit., vol. i, p. 259; Smith and Cheetham, Dictionary of Christian Antiquities, art. Arrhæ.

The name occurs also in Haupt's Nimrodepos, pp. 19, 29. Vorstellungen, p. 68. The name of the goddess is written throughout the story Nin-Kigal; i.e., 'queen of the nether world. Nin-Eresh. See p. 584, note 2. Smith, Miscellaneous Texts, p. 16. Jensen, Kosmologie, p. 259, note. IVR. 1, col. i. 12; col iii. 8-10. Te'û. See IVR. 22, 512, and Bartels, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie, viii. 179-184.

Surgeons established the possibility of keeping human tissues and organs alive outside the body, and even transferring them from one body to another. See "OUR PROGRESSING KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE SURGERY," XXI, 273. England and France made arbitration treaties with the United States. See "A STEP TOWARD WORLD PEACE," XXI, 259.

At Bitchover, where it was said he lived, among several groups of rocks, were some stones called Robin Hood's Stride, being two of the highest and most remarkable. He obtained also the distinction of sainthood, in having a festival allotted to him, and solemn games instituted in honour of his memory; a short account of which will be found in The Mirror, No. 544, p. 259.

Parochial and Plain Sermons, vi. 259. Mark Pattison, Memoirs, p. 97. Stray Essays, p. 94. Parochial and Plain Sermons, v. 112. Ibid. vi. 259. Ibid. vi. 340. Grammar of Assent, part i. c. 1 and 2. Parochial and Plain Sermons, vii. 73. Among all the great men of antiquity there is none, with the exception of Cicero, whom we may know so intimately as Saul of Tarsus.