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As to the Marquis de Bruyeres, he had not claimed his seat among the notables, but was snugly ensconced in his usual place a retired corner near the orchestra whence he could applaud his charming Zerbine to his heart's content, without making himself too conspicuous.

At these glorious reminiscences de Sigognac raised his head proudly, and held it high; he felt the pure blood of his ancestors throbbing in his veins, and his heart beat tumultuously. Zerbine, who was watching him, was surprised at the strange inward beauty if the expression may be allowed that seemed to shine through the young baron's ordinarily sad countenance, and illuminate it.

Take THAT, and see how you like it!" says Leander laughing merrily, and giving him a sounding slap on one cheek which almost knocks the poor devil over, and is instantly followed by an equally hearty one on the other, to restore his equilibrium. During this scene Isabelle and Zerbine come out upon the balcony.

She is ably supported in her resistance by her pretty maid, Zerbine, who is well paid by Leander, the favoured lover, to espouse his cause.

Marquis, I have come to ask of you a service that one gentleman never refuses to another. Mlle. Zerbine has probably related to you something of what took place in the green-room this evening. "And she deserves it," said Zerbine heartily, "every word you say of her, as I, who know her thoroughly, can testify. I could not say anything but good of her, even if I would."

Isabelle was so terrified and excited by this fierce altercation that a deathly pallor had overspread her troubled face, and Zerbine, who had flown to her assistance, had to fetch some of her own rouge and bestow it plentifully upon the colourless lips and cheeks before she could obey the tyrant's impatient call, again resounding through the green-room.

"But," said Herode, "suppose your marquis should not turn up at all! you would be regularly sold." This idea struck Zerbine as being so utterly absurd that she threw herself back and laughed until she had to hold her sides, and was fairly breathless. "The marquis not come!" she cried, when she could speak, "you had better engage rooms for him right away not come!