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It is important in treatment to attack the disease early. We have known an attack completely defeated, and the patient cured, by a wet-sheet pack administered at the right time. The early symptoms are a great weariness and chilliness. In this cold stage, half-a-teaspoonful of cream of tartar, in two tablespoonfuls of hot water, should be given every half-hour.

Frequently where one is confined to bed a hot-blanket pack will answer the same purpose as the hot bath just described. Where there is high fever a cold wet-sheet pack may be employed. This will relieve the high temperature to a marked extent, and will also eliminate the poisons of the body in a most remarkable way.

Sitz-baths, foot-baths, plunge-baths, douches, and wet-sheet packings, speedily began to do their work upon Mr. Lane; and what with bathing, walking, hill-climbing, eating and drinking, and making up fast friendships with some of his brethren of the Water Cure, he appears to have had a very pleasant time of it. He tells us that he found that

In the case of fever, which also invariably involves a toxemic condition of the body, the elimination of the poisons through the skin should be accomplished by methods which do not involve the external use of heat in this manner. Wet-sheet packs, both of the entire body and of parts of the body, are among the most effective of rapid blood-purifying measures.

Albert essayed to cheer Katy by calling her attention to these signs of human habitation, but Katy was too cold and weary and numb to say much or feel much; an out-door wet-sheet pack for seven hours does not leave much of heart or hope in a human soul. Albert noticed with alarm that the water under the horse's feet increased in depth continually.

"Poetry broke out in my first husband's family," she said, "but with sulphur an' molasses an' quinine an' plenty of wet-sheet packs it was finally cured." "You do not understand," said the poet, indulgently. "Your aura is not harmonious with mine." "Your what?" demanded Mrs. Dodd, pricking up her ears. "My aura," explained Mr. Perkins, flushing faintly.

One may remain in such a pack for two or three hours, or if it is applied in the evening one may remain in it all night, provided sleep follows and no discomfort is noticed. Where the recuperative powers are weak a wet-sheet pack which covers the entire body, may tax the vitality too much and under such circumstances a chest and abdominal pack may be used.