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If Tank A does as I expect her to, she'll butt into that wall, crush it down by force and weight, and then waddle over the ruins. Watch!" Tom sent some signals to the motor room. At once there was noticed an increase in the vibrations of the ponderous machine. "They're giving her more speed," said Tom. "And I guess we'll need it."

But whether Victoria's struggles were more lively than he had anticipated, or whether Ted purposely relaxed his hold, certain it was that the gander, with a scream of fury, backed out of his grasp and fluttered on to the floor; proceeding to waddle with great speed and evident indignation across the kitchen into the yard without.

The sea was often rough, and once there was a thunderstorm, and he lay and shouted at the silent flashes. Once or twice seals pulled up on the beach, but only on the first two or three days. He said it was very funny the way in which the penguins used to waddle right through him, and how he seemed to lie among them without disturbing them.

But Obadiah and his uncle, between them, found means to mend matters. That an innocent and helpless baby should be named Obadiah Waddle was an outrage which the infant unceasingly resented from the time he got old enough to realize the awful gulf that lay between his name and those of his more fortunate mates.

But it was half an hour before he actually overtook the injured monster marching like a mad machine. Its mutilated ducklike head held high, its colossal feet lifting one after the other in a heavy, slowing waddle, and its hoarse screams re-echoing in a senseless uproar of agony. Tommy's hands were shaking, but his brain was cool with a vast coolness.

He was a pompous little man to whom the inelegant applied the term of runt. He never could have passed the army examination, for he had no instep. He walked like a duck, flat-footed, minus the waddle. He was pop-eyed, and the fumes of strong drink had loosened the tear-ducts so that his eyes swam in a perennial mist of tears. His wife still called him William, but down town he was Bill.

She grew to watch until the big, long-necked gray things with their short tails and clumsy feet settled with a harsh "Honk!" in the grass. Then she loved to see the big ones waddle clumsily about in search of dainties for the children, while the babies stood still, flapping their wings and crying greedily till they were fed. There was one goose which was her favorite.

No one had ever before seen Miles ride so fast. A slow trot, or rather a steady waddle, was the pace that he generally preferred. "Hello, Mah'sr Harry," shouted old Miles, "de creek's up! Can't git across dar, no how?" This glorious news for the Crooked Creek Telegraph Company was, indeed, true!

"And how about Moggs?" said Neefit, putting his hands into his breeches-pocket, pulling down the corners of his mouth, and fixing his saucer eyes full upon the young man's face. So he stood for some seconds, and then came the words of which Waddle had spoken. Neefit could not disentangle the intricacies of Ralph's somewhat fictitious story; but he had wit enough to know what it meant.

If next year's a failure, we'll go back if we can raise money enough to go with. Three times and then out!" said Mr. Waddle. Mrs. Waddle broke down and wept. It scared the children to learn that their mother could cry their mother, who was always so bright and cheerful and who always laughed away their griefs! Mr. Waddle was scared, too.