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If he is to gain this prize by outstripping or defeating another, the spirit of victory for victory's sake will take possession of him, and he will make every thing give way to it." "Then he will not prove himself worthy of the prize," said uncle Rutherford, who had a fancy for inciting young people to efforts of this nature, and who was always holding out some prize to be striven for.

As soon as the hostile force was clearly made out, the British divisions bore up and stood to the eastward, steering by the Victory's compass ENE. The position and formation of the British main divisions were by this made exactly those in which they are shown in the diagram usually attached to the celebrated memorandum of 9th October 1805.

"We come from slavery's grave unbound, And mountains and the vales resound With songs of jubilee. Ascending from Oppression's night, Behold the dawn of freedom's light! Soldiers of God, arise! The enemy will rue this day, For victory's eagle scents the prey And onward quickly flies. To arms! to horse! my comrades brave! And let the battle-standard wave, For now is honor's day.

Anne's conviction of her loss increased with the darkening of the early winter time. Bob was not a cautious man who would avoid needless exposure, and a hundred and fifty of the Victory's crew had been disabled or slain.

On he pressed, stout as a Titan, relentless as fate. What time bravest hearts failed at victory's delay, this Dreadnaught rose to his best, and furnished courage for the whole Confederacy. Lee's campaigns and battles "exhibit the triumph of profound intelligence, of calculation, and of well-employed force over numbers and disunited counsels." Lee always manoeuvred; he never merely "pitched in."

We knew that the chiefs would at that moment be seated in the admiral's cabin, so, filling upon the cutter, we bore away and ran down under the lee of the "Juno," whose deck we gained just as the captains' gigs were shoving off from the "Victory's" accommodation-ladder. Ten minutes afterwards Captain Hood came up the side, and immediately gave orders for all hands to come aft.

Tying himself to the ship, in profound sympathy with the crews, he never went ashore from the time he left Malta in June, 1803, until he reached Gibraltar in July, 1805; nor was he ever outside of the "Victory" from July 30, 1803, the day he went on board her from the "Amphion." "Always shut up in the Victory's cabin," as he himself wrote, "cannot be very good for the constitution.

Nothing's too good for us at that cafe now, and we've invited Kitty and May to go to the theatre with us to-morrow night." "It's no use, Quincy," said Tom. "Dupont and Kidder took their medicine as patiently as we did, and they liked it so well they're going to have more of it." Then he told Quincy what Dupont had said. "The victory's ours," cried Quincy.

"I do think we might be allowed to wear colours now and again say on Sundays. As it is, I dare say many will be pickin' holes in my character, even for this little outbreak." "There's a notion, now! Why, 'tis Queen Victory's Year and a pretty business if one widow mayn't pay her respects to another!" "It do always seem strange to me," Mrs Bosenna mused. "What?"

Clorinda forgot her injured feelings in excitement about the party, and ordered him to commence work without farther delay. "Wal," said Caleb, spreading out the paper again, "I'll leave a blank for the names, that'll save trouble. I reckon you want somethin' like this 'Miss Clorindy and Miss Victory's compliments " "What's Vic got to do wid it, I'd like to know?"