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Updated: August 6, 2024

That night, after dusk, Captain Vangilt came into my room: he had been a prisoner; but the burgomaster made inquiries, and let him out, which, as chief magistrate, he had the power to do. Vangilt embraced me with much warmth, and expressed his regret that he could not persuade that wretch, Moraud, from his murderous intentions. "It came to the same thing, Vangilt.

A few hours before my arrival, Vangilt went ahead to give notice of my coming, and on the evening of the second day I found myself in a luxurious chamber, with every comfort, in the company of Mr Vanderwelt, and with the beaming eyes of Minnie watching over me. The report of Minnie's beauty was fully warranted.

In another month everything was arranged, and my mother bade farewell to her sister and all her friends, and left Chatham, after having resided there more than seventeen years. Long before my mother had removed from Chatham I received a letter from young Vangilt, announcing his safe arrival in Amsterdam, and enclosing an order to receive the money advanced, from a house in London.

The reader will recollect that the son of the Dutch captain, whose name was Vangilt, had been permitted to come home in the ship, instead of being sent to prison. He and I were very intimate and when I discovered that he was the cousin of Minnie Vanderwelt, I became more partial to him.

When Captain Delmar went away to town, he had quite forgotten the poor fellow, and Mr Weymss, who was the commanding officer, did not make any special report of him as he thought he might defer it till the last moment, as every day out of prison would be so much gained by young Vangilt, who was a general favourite.

I may as well here observe, that in the hurry of paying off the ship, Vangilt was never missed, and although it did occur to the commanding officer after he had gone on shore that Mr Vangilt had not been sent to prison, he thought it just as well not to raise a question which might get himself into a scrape; in short, nothing was thought or said about it by anybody.

"But general, as an officer in the marine of the emperor, it is my duty to state to you, that you are deceived, and that this officer is the person that he states himself to be. Messieurs," continued Captain Vangilt, addressing those about the general, "I assure you it is true, and I am under the greatest obligation to this officer for his kindness and humanity when I was his prisoner."

Mrs James, after we were gone, praised the appearance of Captain Cross, as such a nice-looking man, and old Waghorn evidently thought well of him by the answer he made. Mary, however, pretended to prefer me. As soon as I returned on board, I told young Vangilt what I had been about. He wrung my hand, and the tears started in his eyes. "You, as an officer, are indeed risking much for me.

"Well, Bob, but I do not see why you should give up the girl." "No, sir; nor will she or her mother give me up. I could marry her to-morrow without his consent, but I do not like to do her that injury." "He is stone-blind, you say?" "Yes, sir." "We'll talk your affair over another time. What I want at present is, to help this poor young Vangilt to escape.

"Well, sir, I must consult Mary and her mother, and then I'll let you know: they will come this afternoon. Perhaps in helping Mr Vangilt, I may help myself."

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