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"There is more than one there who will be delighted to see you." "Is Mr Vanderwelt alive and well?" "Oh yes; and Minnie, my pretty cousin, is still unmarried." Vangilt smiled as he made this reply. "I must ask for your parole, Vangilt, and then you can go to Hamburg with us."

Vangilt changed his clothes in the midshipmen's berth, which was empty, and Bob Cross handed him down the side into the boat, where Mrs James waited to receive him. Bob and I had both been paid, and we gave her the 100 pounds for old Waghorn.

"Captain Vangilt, you will answer that at some other time," replied the general; "at present we will carry our will into execution. Lead them away." Vangilt then covered his face with his hands, and all the other officers showed signs of great disgust. "Farewell, Vangilt," said I in French; "I thank you for your interference, although you have not succeeded with the scoundrel."

I also requested to know what had become of young Vangilt, whose escape I had contrived. Having enclosed that letter to the agent, and begged him to have it forwarded to Hamburg, I went to bed, and, after the excitement of the day, had a variety of dreams, in which Minnie's form was continually making its appearance.

"With all my heart," replied he; "for we are tired of war, and as I am a Dutchman and not a Frenchman, I care little for the reverses we have met with; all I hope is, that Holland may become a kingdom again, and not a French state, as it is now." The next day, I was visited by the Russian commandant, who very willingly granted me the parole of Vangilt.

Indeed, there was excuse sufficient, for Minnie was as winning in her manners as she was lovely in her person, and I was not at all surprised at hearing from Vangilt of the numerous suitors for her hand.

I see now, you want some of Mary's clothes for him; they would fit very well." "Exactly; and I think that, as her uncle had been a smuggler, we might go and consult him as to his escape over the water. Vangilt will pay 100 pounds with pleasure he told me so. That will be an introduction for you as well as for me to the old fellow."

In a week I was well enough to travel by slow journeys to Hamburg, lying on mattresses in a small covered waggon, and escorted by Cross and Vangilt.

"You have to thank a Dutch naval officer of the name of Vangilt," replied I; "it is he who saved us all; and if he is not hurt, you must be kind to him, and bring him to me. I will get him his parole, if he is a prisoner. Will you see to it, burgomaster?" "I will," replied he, "as soon as we are a little more tranquil; but, what with fright and confusion, none of us know what we are about.

After a short time, Vangilt left the room, and I remained on the sofa, one hand in the grasp of Mr Vanderwelt, the other holding the not unwilling one of Minnie. That evening I made known to them all that had taken place since I last wrote to them, winding up with the loss of my frigate, the death of Lord de Versely, and my subsequent capture and rescue.