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Among such vain and unprofitable atoms of life Lady Maude Blythe had been one of the vainest and most unprofitable, though of such "social" importance as to be held in respectful awe by tuft- hunters and parasites, who feed on the rich as the green-fly feeds on the rose.

Is it possible? It might teach the vainest to forswear vanity. You, the young, the buoyant, the fresh, the beautiful? And I, who have passed the glory and zest of life between dusty walls; I who well, well, fate laughs at probabilities!" Aram now seemed relapsing into one of his more abstracted moods; he ceased to speak aloud, but his lips moved, and his eyes grew fixed in reverie on the ground.

It has culled out for our initiatory instruction not such books as contain the soundest and truest opinions, but those that speak the best Greek and Latin, and by their fine words has instilled into our fancy the vainest humours of antiquity.

The watch of Major Denham pleased him wonderfully at first but after a little time, it was found that looking at himself in the bright part of the inside of the case, gave him the greatest satisfaction; they are vainer than the vainest.

"Sir John Oxon!" she said. "How changed! how changed! Sure you have been ill, Sir John, or have met with misfortunes." To the vainest of men and the most galled he who had been but a few years gone the most lauded man beauty in the town, who had been sought, flattered, adored 'twas a bitter little stab, though he knew well the giver of the thrust.

Whatever may have been its effect on the negroes, it has been a deadly curse upon the white masters. The preaching of abolition during the war is to me either the deadliest of sins or the vainest of follies. Its only immediate result possible would be servile insurrection.

"Yes, Paris must be a taking place," said Humphrey. "Grand shop-winders, trumpets, and drums; and here be we out of doors in all winds and weathers " "But you mistake me," pleaded Clym. "All this was very depressing. But not so depressing as something I next perceived that my business was the idlest, vainest, most effeminate business that ever a man could be put to.

'I, the poor penniless boy-scholar, to her, the great, rich, wise, worshipped she-philosopher, who holds the sacred keys of the inner shrine of the east wind and just because I am a man, and the handsomest man in Alexandria, and she a woman, and the vainest woman in Alexandria; and therefore I am stronger than she, and can twist her round my finger, and bring her to her knees at my feet when I like, as soon I open my eyes, and discover that I am a man.

It is surely an unworthy and a foolish excuse that, in thus desecrating with the vainest and most vulgar finery the beautiful ideal of the Virgin, an appeal was made to the awe and admiration of vulgar and ignorant minds; for this is precisely what, in all religious imagery, should be avoided.

Men rose from their seats, and with their mouths full of rice expostulated in vainest mediation, waving their chopsticks in the air, and whilst the mother turned upon them in grossest abuse the daughter cleared out at the back of the premises. I left the irate parent brandishing the bamboo; her voice was heard beyond the town. But I was not allowed to leave the town.