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"The time is eleven-forty, sir," Dave reminded his superior, at the same time displaying his watch. "Sentry!" called Dave, briskly. "Aye, aye, sir!" "Aye, aye, sir." Then, returning the marine sentry answered: "It's eleven-forty, sir." Dave made the entry of the lieutenant's return. "You infernal trouble-maker," hissed Cantor, as the sentry paced on.

He had succeeded, it appears, in getting some of Selkirk's men to take the king's shilling, and now was trying to lead these men away from the ships as 'deserters from His Majesty's service. One day this trouble-maker brought his dinghy alongside one of the vessels.

But there's another fellow that I think would bear watching." "Who's that?" asked the boss. "I don't know his last name. They call him Gus and he's a 'cager. Fellow with a red face." "I know," said Stone "Gus Durking." "Well, he tried his best to get me to talk about unions. He keeps bringing it up, and I think he's some kind of trouble-maker." "I see," said the boss. "I'll get after him."

If so much damage was visible from where he stood, it was probable that a closer examination might show even more. He reentered the kitchen, took the boathouse key from its nail the key to Seth's wonderful purchase, the spring lock which was to keep out thieves and had so far been of no use except as a trouble-maker and started for the wharf.

"Yes, consarn that pesky critter with the finest horse I ever set eyes on, and while he's alive ther'll be no peace along the border." "That's right," agreed Pete. "He's a natural born trouble-maker. But I guess so far as we are concerned we are through with him." But Coyote Pete, accurate as were his usual judgments, was wrong in this.

When he went traveling, he had his Food smuggled into the Drawing-Room. He knew if he went drilling through the Pullmans, some of the Passengers who had seen the Cartoons might recognize him as the notorious Malefactor. One day, while he was cowering in a dark corner of his Club to get away from the pesky Reporters, he was joined by the Trouble-Maker.

"And I've made it my business, regular," added Williamson; the machinist, "to see that he doesn't have his wish." "He's always sulky, and kicking about everything," added Eph. "I may be wrong, but can't get it out of my head that the fellow came aboard on purpose to be a trouble-maker." "Why, what object could he have in that?" asked Captain Jack. "Blessed if I know," replied Eph.

She suspected that he would agree with Ann, and then proceeded to work herself into a fine passion at his agreeing with Ann against her. "That silly thing of two worlds is fixed up by people who can't get along in the one world," said she. "And that childish idea of one world is clung to by people who don't know the real world," retorted the trouble-maker.

Once outside, however, the gloom of ancient trees and the castle's shadow seemed blacker than the dungeon had been. I groped about, and stumbled over loose stones fallen from the castle wall, until at last one of our own Zeitoonli discovered me and, thinking I might be a trouble-maker, tripped me up. Cursing fervently from underneath his iron-hard carcass I made him recognize me at last.

Only, she added, she was sorry to learn that he was having trouble with the people about; Mr. Menocal had stated such to be a fact, though what he had further hinted of Bryant's endeavour to gain property to which he had no title and of the engineer's being a trouble-maker, she did not for one instant believe.