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Updated: August 12, 2024

That first step we take together; I want to go a step further; you retreat, you say, 'No: I reply you are committed; that further step you must take, or I cry 'Traitre! au la lanterne! You talk of 'superior experience: bah! what does experience really tell you?

The tenor, hatless, debouched suddenly upon the scene, and furious, addressed himself to the baritone, leaning forward, his hands upon his chest. Though the others sang in Italian, the tenor, a Parisian, used the French book continually, and now villified the baritone, crying out: "O traitre infame O lache et coupable"

My uncle had scarcely recovered his surprise at the first demonstration ere he was staggered by the second "Malheureuse!" exclaimed the father; "Perfide!" groaned the lover; "Traître!" shouted the marquis; "Lâche!" growled the general. My uncle turned from one to the other, completely at a nonplus, Rosalie in the meantime clinging to his breast and imploring him passionately to save her!

As Deroulede emerged into the open, the light from a swinging lantern in the doorway fell upon his face. The foremost of the crowd recognised him; a howl of execration went up to the cloud-covered sky, and a hundred hands were thrust out in deadly menace against him. It seemed as if they whished to tear him to pieces. "A la lanterne! A la lanterne! le traitre!"

Her disgust at the mayor and his deputy and certainly after their night trip they were not figures to charm the eye was pitched in the highest key of scorn, so as to be surpassed only by the torrent of contempt which her well-practised elocution poured upon the "traître tailleur."

Two or three idle street-boys were dancing and stamping about this pool; and when I asked one of them whether the execution had taken place, he began dancing more madly than ever, and shrieked out with a loud fantastical, theatrical voice, "Venez tous Messieurs et Dames, voyez ici le sang du monstre Lacenaire, et de son compagnon he traitre Avril," or words to that effect; and straightway all the other gamins screamed out the words in chorus, and took hands and danced round the little puddle.

Whenever he is mentioned one is sure of hearing something about traître and mensonge and scélératesse. He is referred to as often as not as if he were some dangerous kind of wild beast. This was Grimm's habitual language with regard to him; and this was the view of his character which Madame d'Epinay finally expressed in her book.

"Mon ame sent le prix de vos divins appas; Mais ne presumez point qu'elle soit satisfaite. Traitre, vous me quittez pour suivre une coquette; Moi je ne vous quitterais pas." Some days hence he said to Marquis de Beauvau, in the Audience of leave, a word which was remembered.

Ah! je respire enfin, et ma joie est extrême Que le traître une fois se soit trahi lui-même. Libre des soins cruels j'allais m'engager, Ma tranquille fureur n'a plus qu'

That first step we take together; I want to go a step further; you retreat, you say, 'No: I reply you are committed; that further step you must take, or I cry 'Traitre! au la lanterne! You talk of 'superior experience: bah! what does experience really tell you?

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