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Updated: August 25, 2024

We are friendly with Pierre Toma, the other Indian chief, and part of the savages, and hostilities have not even been committed by us against the others. "I have been particular that you Excellency may know our situation.

He stood near it; and when it was broken down, he fired upon his assailants. At that moment, one of his firmest friends, Toma Tustenuggee, who had thrown himself upon the party at the door, fell on the threshold, riddled with bullets. General Mcintosh then retreated to the second story with four guns, which he continued to fire from the windows.

She was proud in the acquisition of a new accomplishment, that of baking bannock before a fire in the open, learned that morning from Mrs. Toma. The sight of her, bustling and cheerful, working for him, had a strange and painful pleasure for him.

BRUNO. No hay necesidad de que yo baje ... que su merced se quedó de centinela en la puerta principal de los Basilios, y así con una seña que yo le haga desde aquella ventana con el pañuelo.... DOÑA MATILDE. Con el pañuelo no, que quizá no lo advierta ... toma esta sábana.... BRUNO. Venga. DON EDUARDO. Apretemos otro poco el tornillo.

The temperature of the water of the lake is rather warm, being from twenty-four to twenty-five degrees; but there is another cool and delicious bathing-place at Toma, under the shade of ceibas and large zamangs, in a torrent gushing from the granitic mountains of the Rincon del Diablo.

But here Tari went on to instance the new house of Toma and the house-warming feast which was just then in preparation as instances in point.

They counted on the boat to carry them as far as the lake; there, Pierre Toma had assured them, they might very likely overtake the Bishop, if he were delayed by contrary winds, or christenings. In any case Wall-eye Macgregor, said Pierre, had a strong boat at the lake that could take them the eighty miles across.

Hoka came and went with us daily; but, alone I believe of all the countryside, neither Toma nor his wife set foot on board the Casco. The temptation resisted it is hard for a European to compute. The flying city of Laputa moored for a fortnight in St.

DON EDUARDO. ¿No ve usted que así se pierde toda esperanza y toma uno al cabo su partido? BRUNO. Cuando hay partido que tomar, no digo que no. DON EDUARDO. Ahora quisiera yo que usted, mi querido Bruno.... DON EDUARDO. Me concediera una gracia que le voy a pedir y que será probablemente la última que le pediré en mi vida. BRUNO. Si está en mi arbitrio....

"Toma!" said the landlord, "they are my best customers; I have had Englishmen in this house of all grades, from the son of Belington to a young medico, who cured my daughter, the chica here, of the ear-ache. How should I not know an Englishman? There were two with Gomez, serving as volunteers.

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