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There wuz a railin' on each side on't, and a place in the middle where she said the Toboggen came down. And sez Josiah, "Who is the Toboggen, anyway? Is he a native of the place or a Injun? Anyway," sez he, "I'd give a dollar bill to see him a comin' down that place."

He couldn't buckle it, and that is what called forth his exclamations. And he had spread a little red shawl of mine over the top on't, and as I opened the door he wuz jest ready to embark on the bolster, he waz jest a steppin' onto it. But as he see me he paused, and I sez in low axents, "What are you a goin' to do, Josiah Allen?" "I'm a goin' to Toboggen," sez he.

But the sight on 'em made Josiah Allen crazier'n ever to go too, and he sez, "I feel as if I must Toboggen, Samantha!" Sez I, "Be calm! Josiah, you can't slide down hill in July." "How do you know?" sez he, "I'm bound to enquire." And he asked the woman if they ever Toboggened in the summer. "No, never!" sez she. And I sez, "You see it can't be done." "She never see it tried," sez he.

And if I had my way, there would be a hull shipload of savages and heathens brought over here to teach and reform our too civilized wimmen. I'd bring 'em over this very summer. Wall, we sot there on the stoop for quite a spell and then we wended our way down to the highway, and as we arrived there my companion proposed that we should take a carriage and go to the Toboggen slide.

"Don't you see the place at the side for 'em to draw the Toboggen up, and the little flights of steps for 'em to go up the hill?" "Wall," sez I, in deep amaze, and auxins as ever to get information on deep subjects, "where duz the fun come in, is it in walkin' way over the plain and up the hills, or is it in comin' down?"

"Wall," sez he, "they'll see fun if they do and fashion. I am a goin', Samantha!" and be stepped forward. Sez I, "They'll see sunthin' else that begins with a f, but it haint fun or fashion. And agin I sez, "Do you come back, Josiah Allen. You'll break your neck and rout up the house, and be called a fool." "Oh no, Samantha! I must Toboggen. I must go down the slide once."

The girl wuz ahead sort a drawin' the Toboggen, as you may say, and her lover. And I'll bet that when they started down that gleamin' slide, they felt as if they 2 wuz alone under the stars and the heavens, and wuz a glidin' down into a dazzlin' way of glory. You could see it in their faces. I liked their faces real well.

Truly I felt relieved, and sez I to myself, "What would wimmen do if it wuzn't for these little weepons they hold in their hands, to control their pardners with." I felt happy. But the next words of Josiah knocked down all that palace of Peace, that my soul had betook herself to. Sez he, "Samantha Allen, before I leave Saratoga I shall Toboggen."

He never would have lived to follow Miss Abraham round from pillow to post through summer and winter seasons he wouldn't have lived to waltz, or toboggen, or suffer other civilized agonies. No, he would have been a dead patriark. And better off so, I almost think. Not but what I realize that civilization has its advantages. Not but what I know that if Mr.

And then the woman said, "This long room we wuz a standin' in," for we had gone back into the house, durin' our interview, this long room wuz all warm and light for 'em to come into and get warm, and she said as many as 600 in a night would come in there and have supper there. And then she showed us the model of a Toboggen, all sculped out, with a man and a woman on it.