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He will indicate the particular female toad he happens to admire and praise her goggle-eyes and yellow belly as the perfection of beauty!” A negro from Guiana will make much the same unsatisfactory answer, so the old philosopher recommends us not to be didactic on subjects where judgments are relative, and at the same time without appeal.

Kill me, and Uncle Sam is liable to ask mighty loud whyfor; not because I'm such a mighty big toad in the puddle, but because any man that stands under that flag has back of him the biggest, best, and gamest country on God's green footstool." Bucky spoke in English this time, straight as he could send it. "In that case, I think sentence may now be pronounced, general."

"Ourson! oh, Ourson! help! help! dear Ourson, save me, save your poor Violette! I am perishing! save me! help! help!" The fairy Furious, in the form of a toad, was about to carry her off. The last shrub had given way and Violette's last cry was hushed. The poor Violette disappeared under the water just as another cry, more despairing, more terrible, answered to her own.

Now, you're a good fellow in many respects, and I don't want to be too hard on you. I'll make one more effort to bring you to reason. You will come with me into the smoking-room, and there you will hear some facts about yourself; and we'll see whether you come out of that room the same Toad that you went in.

They don't know when they're well off, but young folks never do. Fine weather, isn't it?" Old Mother Nature doth provide For all her children, large or small. Her wisdom foresees all their needs And makes provision for them all. If you don't believe it, just you go ask Old Mr. Toad, as Peter Rabbit did, how such a slow-moving fellow as he is can catch enough bugs and insects to keep him alive.

Tell me about it. Please do, Jerry," begged Peter. "All right, I will," replied Jerry good-naturedly. "It's something you ought to know about, anyway. In the first place, Old Mr. Toad belongs to a very old and honorable family, one of the very oldest. I've heard say that it goes way back almost to the very beginning of things when there wasn't much land.

If the Fairy Zigzag had turned her into a toad, or a marble statue, or something chilly like that, they would not have been in the least surprised. But the Fairy Zigzag did nothing of the sort.

Use has not habituated it to them, so that their anti-human character is at once apparent, and stares at us with glassy eye. But it is the same in reality with the creatures on the earth. There are some of these even now to which use has not accus- tomed the mind. Such, for instance, as the toad. At its shapeless shape appearing in an unexpected corner many people start and exclaim.

"I'll see you hanged first," grated Dick Cronk. "You are the king of crooks, you are." "Don't let him call the police, Dick," whined Ernie, shrinking back against the wall. "I'm no thief. I won't go to jail! I won't!" "Well, that's just where you'll land, my handsome bucko," said the malevolent Colonel. "Dick won't mind it, but it will be a new experience for you, your reverence. 'Gad, you toad!"

"What's the matter with you now, fool?" demanded Mitchell. "I never so much as mentioned the girl's name in McClintock's hearing." "Trust you!" said the clerk. "You're a slimy toad, you are. You're nauseatin'. Pah! Ptth!" "McClintock repeated these rumors to Stan," said the lawyer gloatingly. "Stan called him a liar. My uncle never liked me.