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The branch, you see, is hard and stiff-looking." "I should think the tree would be prettier when all those white flowers are on it," said little Edith. "It is much prettier," replied her governess "but not so useful. The fruit of the olive is so valuable that numbers of people depend upon it for their support.

The double is distinguished from the single spruce by the darker color of the foliage whence its name of black spruce by the greater thickness, in proportion to the length, of the cones, and by the looseness of its scales, which are jagged, or toothed, on the edge. It is a well-proportioned tree, but stiff-looking, and the dark foliage, which never seems to change, gives it a gloomy aspect.

At any season of the year, the tract over which we passed yesterday must be an uninteresting one as regards its natural features; and the only adornment, as far as I could observe, which art has given it, consists in straight rows of very stiff-looking and slender-stemmed trees. In the dusk they resembled poplar-trees.

Pallas is in the midst of the Golden Vale, a deliciously pastoral country, admirably fitted on such a glorious spring-like morning as that of yesterday for the sports of shepherds and shepherdesses as Watteau and Lancret loved to limn. But the first object which catches the eye in Pallas is not a bower of ribbons and roses, but a stiff-looking police barrack.

Upon my word, I never saw a greater contrast. I wish Miss Wyllys had not accepted the invitation, though; she is enough to frighten one away from the whole set and the rest are very pretty girls, the whole of them." "Can you point out Mr. Taylor? Not the groom; I have seen him, of course; but his father." "Don't you know the boss? It is that tall, stiff-looking man, talking to Mrs. Stanley.

He had been pointed out to me two or three days before when he drove past with the governor's wife. He was a short, stiff-looking old man, though not over fifty-five, with a rather red little face, with thick grey locks of hair clustering under his chimney-pot hat, and curling round his clean little pink ears.

She looked at Clarissa, and repeated, with a meditative air, "So enormously rich!" "There is a grown-up daughter, too," said Mr. Lovel; "rather a stiff-looking young person. I suppose she is solid, too." "She is not so charming as her father," replied Lady Laura, with whom that favourite adjective served for everything in the way of praise.

All this was shouted by Mercer as we approached the cottage door, and had the effect of bringing out a stiff-looking, sturdy, middle-aged man with a short pipe in his mouth, which he removed, carried one hand to his forehead in a salute, and then stood stiff and erect before us, looking sharply at me. "Mornin', gentlemen," he said. "Morning," cried Mercer. "'Tention! Parade for introductions.

"I may have heard of the custom; but why do you say you came to ask me if I know any thing about it?" "Well, I kinder thought I would. You have a pretty stiff-looking burnt piece here to be logged off soon, have you not?" "Why, yes." "And it would be a hard and heavy month's job for you and the young man to do it, would it not?"

Then, before Lent, there was the big dance of the year, when the girls of Pinewood Hall and the boys of the Clinton Academy mingled under the shrewd eyes of their respective heads. Dr. Dudley was a solemn, long-faced, stiff-looking old gentleman, with a great mop of sandy hair brushed off his high brow, who never looked really dressed unless he had on a tall hat and a frock coat.