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He who laughed at Satin, who had accepted Steiner and Muffat and all the rest, felt outraged and murderous at the thought that Philippe might someday touch that woman. "Here, take Bijou," she said to comfort him, and she passed him the little dog which had gone to sleep on her dress.

There they found a boy from the telegraph office who was just about to depart with his message, having had no response to his ringing of the bell. "Whom is it for?" asked Fritz. "For Mrs. Steiner." "Oh, Brother Fritz," she said, "it is from your wife. I telegraphed to her this afternoon that Fritz had gone home, and asked her to send a message to me upon his arrival."

He studied Jacob Friedheim's treatise until he knew the characteristics of all the great violin models, from the Amatis, Hieronymus, Antonius, and Nicolas, to those of Stradivarius, Guarnerius, and Steiner. It was in this year, also, that he made a very precious discovery.

He did not wait for him and took his departure immediately, for he was due at his newspaper office. "At Nana's at midnight, eh?" La Faloise retired too. Steiner had made his bow to the countess. Other men followed them, and the same phrase went round "At midnight, at Nana's" as they went to get their overcoats in the anteroom.

The old Board would ne'er ha' done it. They trusted me. But the new Board were all for reorganisation. Young Steiner Steiner's son the Jew, was at the bottom of it, an' they did not think it worth their while to send me word. The first I knew an' I was Chief Engineer was the notice of the line's winter sailin's, and the Breslau timed for sixteen days between port an' port! Sixteen days, man!

"Yes, some very fine fetes are promised," said Mme du Joncquoy. The banker Steiner, not long since introduced into this circle by Leonide de Chezelles, who was acquainted with the whole of Parisian society, was sitting chatting on a sofa between two of the windows.

"But I wish to do my share toward buying the cake for Aunt Steiner," said Fritz, and he took out ten cents of the money given him by Uncle Braun, the other boys each added ten, and quite a large piece of the rich cake was ordered, wrapped in white paper, paid for and then they were ready to go to 37 Bornheimer street, for Uncle Braun had decided that they had enough sight-seeing for one day.

Steiner, was with them at the time, and rendered the double offices of family physician and sympathetic friend. Between these two men there had been a warm and long friendship. Dr. Steiner talked with General Toombs about his spiritual condition. A godly man himself, the doctor thought that he might remove any doubts that might linger in the mind of the stricken husband.

7 This same period of life played a decisive part in the spiritual evolution of Rudolf Steiner, as may be seen in his autobiography, The Story of My Life.

Steiner gave him a sweet bun which she had brought in her pocket especially for him, he put it in his capacious mouth and swallowed it with evident relish. After the elephant organ-grinder had received all the pay he could gather from the people congregated about the bird enclosure, he passed on with his organ, and Mrs.