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This is enough, I think, to prove that the grub is not a strict stay-at-home, as are the larvæ of the Sitares and the Oil-beetles when devouring the ration of the Anthophora. I imagine that, in the burrows of the Tachytes, the grub, when its heap of Mantes is consumed, moves from cell to cell until it has satisfied its appetite.

I love to feel the warm, rich earth of our own garden in my hands! Hereafter I shall be a stay-at-home; and if my children win," she held out her hand in parting with the same frank, earnest grip of her greeting, "why, you will find that tea is, as usual, at four-thirty." He had found the women of his high official world a narrower world than he realized much alike.

'You were utterly different from me, Rudin put in with a sigh. 'Our paths lay apart, continued Lezhnyov, 'perhaps exactly because, thanks to my position, my cool blood, and other fortunate circumstances, nothing hindered me from being a stay-at-home, and remaining a spectator with folded hands; but you had to go out into the world, to turn up your shirt-sleeves, to toil and labour.

"Yes," said he, with his face flushing, "and if I had had Norman Ogilvie's chance " But he paused. Could he reproach this old dame, on the very night of his departure, with having disappointed all those dreams of military service and glory that are almost the natural inheritance of a Macleod of the Western Highlands? If he was a stay-at-home, at least his hands were not white.

The doctor was a dogmatic materialist and remains so still Frank was a Catholic. The doctor was scientific to his finger-tips Frank romantic to the same extremities; the doctor was old and a confirmed stay-at-home Frank was young, and an incorrigible gipsy. Yet so the matter was.

Stay-at-home as they have hitherto been, home-loving as they essentially are, the atmosphere of an inn, the aroma of a holiday, fill the Frenchman's cup of hilarity to overflowing, rendering gayer the gayest.

I scare Margaret Chew out of her sweet wits when I talk blood, blood, sir; and as to Miss Franks, she hates to be called Becky, when I say I hope to see Mr. Washington hanged, she vows he is too fine a man, and she would only hang the ugly ones. So take care, Mr. Stay-at-home, take care; I am no neutral." "Thank thee," I said, lifting my hat. "I like open enemies best."

They turned the corner of a shaded path and came out under a green canopy made by four large palms. A man lay underneath, his head pillowed on his arm, his face upturned a man in the sordid prison gray. Virginia Beverly grew giddy, and, brave as she had been so far, for an instant she feared that she was going to faint like an ordinary, stay-at-home girl.

Being now a respectable stay-at-home island, stuck fast with each part of its coast true to its proper compass point, what more natural than that its roving youth should be treated as a closed book by its owners? There it sat in the middle of the glinting river, its sturdy understructure reposing upon Waring's reef. Even at low ride the shallow water rippled about it.

There is no art connoisseur among them. They care little for books, but they are educated gentlemen and can talk of other subjects besides vine-growing and cattle breeding. They have all been to Rome, the Ducconians are the only stay-at-home, stick-in-the-mud family in this valley.