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"I am Rebecca Daniels, whom they call on the Bills 'La Belle Stamboulane' though I have never been farther east than Prague," she added with a contemptuous smile. "That was my father, whose maltreatment you so promptly but I fear so severely chastised. But your name?" impatiently.

The girl returned to say that Herr Daniels would be honored with the visit, although, he had said, he had not a pleasant remembrance of the gentleman. In fact, before his assault in the street upon La Belle Stamboulane, the major had persecuted her and deserved the reproof from her father which it was too dangerous, as Munich society was ruled, for him to utter.

"In that house are the Jewish couple, father and daughter, who played at the Harmonista, La Belle Stamboulane and the Turkophonist Daniel, and the young man who belabored your excellency so that he almost died of the drubbing." "Hang you for being so profuse in your explanations! How do you know all this?" "The servant-maid is a customer of mine.

This was concerted, for the outburst of applause, started by the most sinister of aspect among the auditors, was vehement and so contagious that the hussah was unanimous as the stage-manager retired. La Belle Stamboulane was already eclipsed! so evanescent is theatrical fame.

So the story ran, and added that her manager found that the Vieradlers promptly repudiated any kinship with her when he talked of their paying the forfeit money. He had thereupon endeavored to win back La Belle Stamboulane to his deserted stage, but she was obdurate, and the beer flowed flat in the double absence of stars inimitable.

He announced in a high flute-like voice that in consequence of indisposition, which a sworn medical affirmation confirmed here he raised a laugh by sticking his tongue in his cheek "La Belle Stamboulane" would not appear might have to depart for Constantinople for convalescence, but that the bewitching Fraulein von Vieradlers one of the few authentic noble vocalists on the variety stage following in the footsteps of certain princesses would oblige, for the first time on any stage, with selections from her repertoire, etc.

As the sailors drive the ship toward the false beacon, near them and garish and flaring, so he thought the erratic orb brighter than the serene fixed star. He felt ungrateful. This sneaking out of the town was ridiculous after the heroic introduction to La Belle Stamboulane.

Was it like devotion to me that you should try to abduct La Belle Stamboulane in the public street? "To remove her from your path! She was your rival in the music hall! Love her, love a Jewess? You do not understand men you fancy they are put here for your pleasure, safeguard and redemption. An error! We are neither your joy or your punishment. Let that pass.

An hour would soon pass, even in this tedious recreation. He felt also some resentment and curiosity to see the person whom the director of these Munich circeans considered in adequate succession to the peerless Stamboulane. The announcement had at least kindled the public: being plebeian, the promised aristocrat was already discussed.

Besides, to displace La Belle Stamboulane worthily on the stage, that chosen arena where the female gladiator carries the day, a miracle of beauty, wit and skill was requisite.