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Updated: August 7, 2024

"Dad has told me a lot about them how they've always been together ever since their undergraduate days. How they studied together all over the world, even after they'd been given all the degrees loose. How they even went to the other planets to study to Mars, where they had to live in space-suits all the time, and to Venus, where they had to take ultra-violet treatments every day to keep alive.

And even though in lieu of their own highly efficient space-armor they had fought in weak, crude, and hastily improvised space-suits, which were pitifully inferior to the ray resistant, heavy steel armor of the I-P forces, nevertheless the enormous strength and utter savagery of the hexans had taken toll; and when the advance was resumed, it was with extra lookouts scanning the entire neighborhood of the line of march.

And so, with Ban Wilson, he had gone out for them, his mind steeled to the ghastly thought of the great scientists' brains in such bodies. In space-suits they had swept down on them. There had been no time for considerate measures: the four isuanacs had been abruptly knocked out by the impact of the great suits swooping against them, and carried back to the laboratory.

Jones had walkie-talkies ready, deftly removed for the purpose from space-suits nobody had used since leaving Lunar City and Holden took one to keep in touch by. They went down in the sling, two at a time. Cochrane regarded the two dead animals near the base of the ship. They were roughly the size of cattle, and they were shaggy like buffalo. They had branching, pointed, deadly horns.

Ku's self-propulsive space-suits to Satellite III of Jupiter; and that there Carse learned that in reality the Eurasian and the brains had survived, and that Dr.

The Nevian scientists first analyzed the air inside the space-suits of the Terrestrials, then removed without ado the protective covering of the captives. Costigan fully conscious through it all and now able to move a little, since the peculiar temporary paralysis was wearing off braced himself for he knew not what shock, but it was needless; their grotesque captors were not torturers.

At last Ban's mental cursings stopped. His straining ears had caught a sound. It was quickly repeated, and again and again the heavy, grating noise of metal on metal. The boots of space-suits on the metal floor of the port-lock. They had arrived!

Though trembling under the strain of conversing with this machine on which his life depended, he did not overlook a single point. "But the asteroid's gravital pull would hold us close to it," he said. "Is there a way of breaking free from it?" "You'll find the space-suits are equipped with small generators and gravity-plates which I helped Ku Sui develop.

He closed all the bulkhead doors and air-break openings, then closed and secured the massive insulating door of the lifeboat in which they had made their headquarters. Then, after they had again put on the space-suits they had taken off such a short time before, he extinguished all the lights and hooded the communicator screen before he ventured again to glance out into the void.

Fuller, who had regained consciousness, worked his way laboriously down to the power room carrying three space-suits. He had stopped in the lab to get the power belts, and the three men quickly donned them to help them overcome the four-gravity pull. Another half hour sped by as the bucking ship forced its way through the terrific field in space.

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